13 Part 2: Ethan's Proposal

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Samantha went to sit at the center between Dylan and I then Ethan knelt on one knee holding the garter in his hands and slowly putting it inside Samantha’s thigh. When he was done, he stayed in that position then bought out a box from his pocket while he slowly opened it revealing a blue rose studded with blue stones engagement ring. I can see Samantha crying tears of joy I cried along with her happy for the two of them.
“Love, we have been through a lot. I know there will be more obstacles coming our way, it’s been four years since we’ve been together. It all started when I first met you and Lil Sis in high school, you we’re Anna’s close friend. You have been at her side since the day our classmates and I made her life miserable. You have witness her cry herself to sleep, I grew envious of you at first because you were her friend witnessing all that she’s been through then when I found out that Lil Sis was engaged to Dylan it hurt I admit. Eventually I realized someone was always there at my side through worst and after a while when you confessed to be honest I felt confused at first. But when I saw you happy with some other guy, I flipped and got jealous suddenly. I realized what Anna said on our graduation that maybe the one for you is just around the corner you just haven’t had the time to notice her. I realized what she meant by that she was referring to you. All those years I’ve grown to love you more and more each day, I love you more than I loved Anna. So will you be my Mrs. Samantha Margaux C. Romualdez?”Ethan said while crying tears of joy.
“Love, yes, we have been through so much together. I also know we will face a lot more obstacles in our way, but I have faith that we will overcome them. It all started when we were high school I was already in love with you since then but I know you’re in love with Aurora. I can’t blame you for falling for her, she maybe a nerd but you saw what’s behind her nerdy glass. She has a heart of gold, very understanding, selfless, unselfish and though she maybe a nerd but she’s beautiful inside and out. Yes, you’re right, I have been Aurora’s close friend, and I have been at her side since the day you and our classmates made her life miserable. I witnessed her cried herself to sleep because of what she’s been through. I felt sorrow every time I saw her cry, I wanted to hate you because of what you’re doing to her ‘cause she deserved nothing you did to her. But then when she told me your reason, I forgave you. I was thankful to her because she rejected you and you eventually realized I was the one for you. So of course I will be your wife.” Samantha said while smiling and crying tears of joy then he inserted the ring on her finger.
After a while, the emcee announced Dylan and I’s first traditional dance. Dylan led me to the center of the hall, puts his arms around my waist, then pulled me closer to him. We danced while On This Day played. I gazed at my husband lovingly and he gazed back at me with the same intensity. I put my head on his chest. After the reception Dylan and I said goodbye to our guests, family and friends.
“Everyone, Wifey and I need to go! Goodbye see you soon!”
“Go ahead, lovebirds, and go to your honeymoon! We’ll all be waiting for the result! Dylan, you are one lucky man you are gonna get some tonight! Don’t forget to pick Samantha and I as the godmother and godfather of your child, alright?!”Ethan said while smirking.
“Of course you will, Bro! You are Wifey’s best friend after all.” Dylan said while smiling.
“Biatch, don’t forget to also pick me and Layla as the godmothers of your child.” Abby said while smiling at me I smiled back at her.
“Of course you will be, Biatch. You are my best friend since I was young after all.” I said while smiling. Then Dylan and I left and boarded our private plane. After 12 hours Dylan and I arrived at Paris, France for our honeymoon. Due to jet lag, I was asleep until lunch time came and we went to eat at the ground-floor restaurant of the hotel. Then we toured Paris, night came I was ready to execute my plan I video called my friends and our girl classmates to help me.
“*whisper* Ara, are you ready for the honeymoon? Let me guess, you need help right, Biatch?” Abby said while whispering in a hush tone.
“Yes, I need help, Biatch. What lingerie will I wear? The red one, the black midnight blue, emerald green or emerald green with black?” I asked while whispering on the other line.
“I think the emerald green with black suits you better, Biatch.”
“Girls, what do you think do you agree with Biatch Abby?” I asked the other girls.
“Ara, I think Abby is right you should wear the emerald green with black. It brings out your skin complexion and highlights your ocean blue eyes.”
“Okay, I’ll wear this one then, girls. Goodbye for now. See you soon.”
“Wait, Ara, we have a few tips to give you! When you’re showering don’t hum or sing to yourself.” they said while smiling.
“Why? Is it bad?” I asked in a whisper.
“Yes, it is bad, the man will get nervous if you hum or sing in the shower. Also, don’t forget to shave and put perfume on.” they said in a medium voice whisper.
“Okay, noted. Bye for now, I gonna go I’m going to take a shower.” I said hanging up the video call, then went to take a shower before going into the bathtub to shave myself. Once I was done with my bath, I put on my lace emerald green with black lingerie then put on my robe and went outside. I saw Dylan doing some push-ups.
“Hubby, are you ready?” I asked while smiling seductively that made Dylan stop what he was doing, then looked at me. His eyes looked at me from head to toe, then he approached me and carried me bridal style into our bed.

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