Karma at its finest

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I approached our table and sat in the chair opposite to our classmates. They were looking at me then approached our table. I ignored them, Abby and the others put themselves in front of me and I smiled at them. I signaled them to sit and calm down.
“Aurora, we know our fault. We did make your life a living hell, but please don’t involve our parents. They have nothing to do with this. Punish us not our parents the company is our great great grandfather’s legacy don’t destroy it. We are begging you, please forgive us. We learned our lesson and we feel guilty all these years. Please forgive us.”
“You guys don’t know how I felt when you made my life a living hell. I almost died in your cruel hands 3 years ago. One of you almost caused me my life when you pushed me to a train railing that caused me to go into coma for a week. You should pay the consequences.”I said raging while tears were flowing out of my eyes.
“We didn’t mean any harm that will cause you to death, Ara. We know that and we feel guilty. We didn’t mean to cause you your life. We would never do anything like that. Who is it?”
“I don’t want to be this cruel, and I wanted to just move on from the past but it keeps on haunting me. It’s Chloe who almost caused me my life. She pushed me on a train railing while I was on my way home.”
“Sorry to interrupt, Wifey. But can you just forgive them? I don’t want you feel any remorse before our wedding. Can you just move on from the past, Wifey?”
“I will listen to you, Hubby. You’re right its enough for my classmates to feel guilty about what they did in the past. I forgive you all except Chloe I choose to forgive and move on from the past. I don’t want to feel any hatred towards anyone anymore now that in a few days I will be getting married.”
“Thank you so much, Ara. You are so kind-hearted. So Chloe was responsible for your almost death. We will make her pay for this. Please invite us to your wedding. And Dylan don’t ever hurt Aurora if you even dare hurt her we will kill you.”one of my classmates said.
“Of course I won’t. You can trust me on that. You are all invited to our wedding. But fist things first I have something important to say. Wifey, do you know what date it is? It’s our anniversary. Happy 5th anniversary, Wifey. Iloveyou so much.”
“Yes, I know what date it is, Hubby. Oops sorry it slipped my mind. It’s our anniversary, sorry I forgot, Hubby. Happy Anniversary too, Iloveyou so much too. ”I said while smiling at him. But then Dylan like he did on our engagement knelt in one knee then pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it revealing a blue sapphire star shaped engagement ring while fireworks were being shown in the sky. Someone screamed yes from our classmates.
“Wifey, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife officially?”
“Yes of course I’ll marry you, Hubby! So this is your plan all along, my gut feeling was right.”I said while tears were streaming down my face.
“Guys, can I talk to you for a while? Biatch, join us please.”Abby said to our classmates. They nodded and wefollowed Abby to a quiet place.
“Biatch, what is your plan for Chloe anyway?”
“We will teach her a lesson she’ll never forget. We will reveal her true character to the crowd later but first we will ridicule her just like what she did to you.”
“Good plan, Abby. We will help you teach Chloe a lesson for Ara’s almost death.”one of our classmates said while smirking evilly.
After talking we want back to our table and told the others our plan for Natalia without her noticing. We signalled Bro Ethan to flirt with Natalia. She flirted back while the others and I are watching from the sidelines. After a while I signaled the others to approach Bro and Natalia then they poured wine on her. She was surprised to see us smirking. I looked at Samantha then she poured water on Natalia. My classmates looked at me and I nodded I took out my pepper spray and sprayed on her eyes.
“Why the hell did you pour wine and water on me?! And what the hell did you spray pepper spray on me?!”
“That’s revenge for you who almost caused me my life 3 years ago. Don’t bother denying it because I know it was you who pushed me on the train railing 3 years ago. You were insecure because Bro Ethan was in love with me and you tried getting rid of me. Well news flash for you, Chloe I didn’t die. And also Bro Ethan will never fall in love and love a killer like you. You don’t deserve someone like him because you are a killer. He is a kind hearted, overprotective and sweet guy and he doesn’t deserve a slut to fuck, bitch and killer woman like you.”
“Yeah, how dare you even try to get rid of her. We made her life miserable during high school yes but we aren’t a killer like you, Chloe. How dare you do that?!”
“You almost caused Biatch’s life. How dare you! You don’t have the right to kill her. You deserve what we did to you after you almost caused Ara’s death. Ethan will never love you because you are a good for nothing bitch and a slut to fuck.”
“Abby is right, Chloe. I will never fall in love with a killer like you, remember that! You are nothing compared to Lil Sis and Sam.”
“How dare you flirt with my boyfriend, Chloe? And where did you get the guts to get rid of Ara! My boyfriend will never love someone like you, a killer. Everyone, beware of this slut because she might kill you all. Did you know she almost caused Aurora’s death 3 years ago? So avoid her at all cost she might kill you or your children.”Samantha said.
After three hours our reunion ended and we went home. When I got home I washed my face, changed into my nightdress then went to sleep. Tomorrow morning is our graduation and I am so excited because after this we will file our papers, pick out the entourages attire, have our prenup shoot then organize a bachelor/bachelorette party. Morning came everyone including me were taking our breakfast.
“Princess, are you excited for your graduation?”said my mother while smiling blissfully.
“Yes I am, Mom finally after such a long hard work my enduring years during college is about to end. I am so excited wait till you see my surprise for you.”
“Oh thrilling, Princess. I wonder what it is.”
After eating breakfast I hurriedly went upstairs to my room, took a quick bath then picked out my graduation dress. I picked a knee length sky blue tie back bodycon dress and paired it with a navy blue glitterized stilettos put on my sapphire necklace and bracelet. Once I was done there was a knock on my door I opened it and saw the makeup artist. She instructed me to sit on my dresser and she started applying makeup on me and did my hair. After an hour we were finished when my father came.
“Princess, you forgot something. You forgot to wear our heirloom the diamond tiara. When you came of age last 3 years ago and I gave you and your twin the diamond tiaras. You need to wear it during occasions because it’s a tradition in our family.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me, Dad.”I said then grabbed my diamond tiara from my cabinet then gave it to the makeup artist and she put in on my head. Once I was finished I went downstairs and we went to the venue of our graduation. When we arrived I saw Dylan, my friends and schoolmates I smiled at them and took my seat. After a while the program started with the opening remarks, prayer, national anthem and announcement of the cum laude.
“I’m calling the attention of our Cum Laude Ms. Leianna Aurora B. Cristobal. Let us give her a round of applause. Ms. Aurora come onstage please.”the commentator called I looked at my family, friends, Dylan and schoolmates they were shocked. I came up the stage and the commentator gave me the microphone.
“Hehehe, I guess my friends, Dylan and my family were all shocked. Yohoo, guys wake up its no surprise I am the cum laude I am smart after all. So close your mouths before insects come in. To my fellow graduates, I wish us all a very happy graduation day. May our lives be filled with nothing but the best in our career fields. Our journey is about to end so here comes the harsh reality we need to have perseverance and courage to face them all so this goodbye to all of us. Thank you for a fun-filled college life. I will miss us all, thank you and may we have a blessed day ahead.”I said finishing my speech and went down before taking my seat.
“Now that the speech of our cum laude is finished. Let me call on our principal to distribute the diplomas. Let us give him a round of applause.”The commentator said making way for the principal.

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