Chapter 10 - Torture and Truth

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Junichiro Tanizaki POV


A young girls voice sings from behind us.

We both turn around and see who it was.


Tachihara says.

So this is the vice-commander of the Hunting Dogs?

She looks so young.

Tachihara walls over to her and the girl standing beside her.

Gin? I think.

"Where is he?"

She asks with a very creepy grin.

Tachihara just gestures over to the unconscious body laying on the ground.


The vice-commander skips over to him.

Bending down to take a closer look.

What's she going to do?

We've already caught him so?

What is there to do?

"A shame he's asleep. It'd be much better if he was a wake."

A pout forms on her face.

I notice her shoot a glare at Tachihara.


Now I kinda believe she's of more authority.

"Hmph. I'll just have to make due."

She grabs the snipers collar.

Standing up, she drags him into the forest with her.

I can't help but gulp thinking of what she might do to him.


I mumble.

One of my hands going to the back of my neck.

"She's - uhm - scary..."

I nervously laugh.

"Try being alone with her for an entire day."

The girl beside me - Gin - speaks up.

Basically clarifying my words.

"She the vice-commander. What did you expect?"

Tachihara asks.

Looking over at us.

I look over at Gin to see her roll her eyes at him.

Do they not get along?

I don't really know how the whole "traitor" thing went down.

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