Chapter 11 - The True Enemy

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Junichiro Tanizaki POV

Oh dear god...

I gulp, seeing Tachihara and Teruko glance at each other again.

Almost like they're clarifying something.

Maybe that it's okay to say what they were told?


Gin mumbles.

If I didn't know any better I would've actually thought she wasn't nervous at all.

But the way she spoke...

Reminds me of the way Atsushi does when he's nervous.

And probably the way I do too.

Teruko closes her eyes and sighs.

That's not a very nice sign...

"Well, we've already figured out that we are going against the Guild,"

I glance over at Gin to see she's done the same.

"But, they are not the only ones."

I start to pick at my fingers.

Feeling my entire body start to sweat.

"W-what do you mean?..."

I mumble, not being able to help the stutter that comes out.

"The Decay of Angels."

Tachihara says coldly, arms crossed.

But it doesn't make sense.

Why would the Guild team up with the Decay of Angels?


Why would the Decay of Angels team up with the Guild?

It- it doesn't make sense.

The Guild fell apart.

But the DOA is still working.

There's been barely even a scratch to their organization.

"What about them."

Gin's stern voice breaks me from my thoughts.

They could be wrong.

Tachihara and Teruko could be wrong.


"They're working with the Guild."

I look directly at Tachihara.

I really don't like eye contact but.

Right now?

It seemed like the only thing keeping me together.

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