Accident Suspicion

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me.

-in the Mirror Chamber-

Crowley clapped his hands to call for attention. "I call to order this meeting of housewardens. Our agenda today concerns the October Spelldrive tournament. Let us begin with the report from the head of the tournament planning committee: Mr. Ashengrotto of Octavinelle house."

Azul stepped forward, a brisk smile at his lips. "Greetings. I am Azul Ashengrotto, and it is my honor to lead the planning committee. I am pleased to announce that we have fully booked the grounds surrounding the coliseum. All of the kiosk space allotted to both internal organizations and external businesses is now full."

"Sweet! This tournament should be a real lively one, then." Kalim jumped in, lively and gleeful.

Azul continued, "All invitations to various royalty have been sent, and public tickets are selling briskly. And, as in past years, we have received numerous request to cover the event from both television stations and print media."

"Sounds like the whole world will be watching. Before I was admitted here, I looked forward to receiving my VIP invitation every year. I imagine you got them too, Leona?" Kalim elbow-nudged the third year. "We might have run into each other at the tournament when we were kids."

But the latter was indifferent. "Who knows? And also, who cares?"

Vil eyed his compact mirror subtly, noting, "This year, I'll have to work extra hard on my makeup to make sure I'm shining like a diamond on the new Ultravision displays. With all the exertion, I'll need to be touching it up constantly!"

Riddle eyed him remotely. "Huh... House Pomefiore is the only dorm that regularly calls timeouts to fix their makeup."

"How can you all be so excited to be on TV? Just the idea of it makes me wanna puke." a voice from the floating tablet perked up feeling like he was gonna be sick. That was Idia Shroud.

"Ahem!" Azul coughed out loudly to put eyes on him again. "As I was saying."

"Oops, sorry!" Kalim apologized.

"Now, as soon as your dorns' player rosters are settled, I'll need your registration documents. ANy dorm that is even a single day late-"

"Will be promptly disqualified, I trust?" Riddle finished, but Azul merely shook his head.

"No. They will be charged a handling fee. Consider it remuneration for rush processing." he grinned slyly, earning an eye squint of disapproval from the ginger.

"What? I don't approve of you changing the rules to allow for policy exceptions!"

"And I couldn't be more grateful for it! Ha ha ha!" Kalim chuckled.

"Let's try to stay on topic. We need to discuss the tournament bracket." Crowley raised a finger. "I had an idea I'd like to propose."

"And that is...?" Riddle hummed.

"It concerns the Diasomnia housewarden. I think we should induct Mr. Draconia into the hall of fame to keep him off the field entirely." was the big idea. Needless to say, eyebrows were raised, or in this case, folded down, in confusion or shock.

"Say whaaat?!"

"What are you on about?" Leona growled.

"Ever since Mr. Draconia enrolled here, no dorm has scored even a single point against Diasomnia. Diasomnia regularly scores 100 points per game, with 90% of them being from Mr. Draconia himself." Crowley recalled by heart.

Kalim nodded. "Now that you mention it, when we had to face them last year, it did feel completely futile."

"The dude totally breaks the game. It's like he's got cheat codes enabled." Idia muttered feverishly.

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