Soundly Chastised

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me.

Ace's lips were puckered in anger, like he nearly sucked on a lemon. His eyes blazed with fury as he kicked up a spot in the grass in frustration, and paced in frustration.

"Rrrgh! I hate that little ginger megalomaniac! Does he think HE's the Queen of Hearts?"

"What happened minutes ago proved it, idiot...." Niho grumbled, sitting on the concrete, head in her hands, propping her chin up. Deuce was next to her, head between his knees, mumbling in shame.

"Banished by the housewarden from my own dorm... My dream of becoming an honor student is slipping further and further away..."

"Stupid collar! It's so tight! Grr..." Grim stared up, trying to lift his neck from the heavy collar.

"You're really racking up those collars. Quite the impressive collection." A voice cooed. Grim looked up from his spot only to see....

A floating head.

Ace and Deuce screamed and Grim flew up from his spot, and hid behind Niho. "Myah! A ghost head!"

"What the hell?!" Niho screamed.

But after that, a body began to materialize into a normal being. Upon closer inspection, the person had shaggy mauve hair with light lavender highlights, gold colored eyes, and palish skin. He wore a purple and pink striped shirt, a white hoodie, gold rings on his fingers, jeans with abstract patches and purple combat colored boots. But the most noticeable features were his cat-like grin and atop his head were cat ears, pierced with everlasting earrings.

"Oh dear. It seems I'm not all here." He punned.

"What?" Deuce breathed. "Er, so you do have a body, then? Who are you?"

"The name's Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker. Am I a cat? Am I a purrrson? A mimsy borogove, perhaps? A mome arth with a knack for magic?" the neko grinned widely.

"Uh, look, Ar... Arte... Run the name by me again?" Ace was tongue-tied.

"Heh heh. People usually just call me Chenya. Let's just say I'm not from the other side of the looking glass." Chenya laughed as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder to where Riddle and the others were at.

"Yet another weirdo..." Niho whispered exasperatedly.

"You think so? I'd say by the standards here, I'm no more mad than anyone else." Chenya shrugged, throwing her a sly smile.

Ace stormed up to the neko and jabs a finger at him. "After the insanity that teapot tyrant put me through, I'm not in the mood for whatever this is. Just leave me alone."

Chenya smiled wistfully, knowing whom Ace meant. "Riddle the teapot tyrant... Heh heh. Well, I can't dismiss that perspective as wrong. He's always been quite strict."

"'Strict?'" Niho tilted her head in confusion.

"Do you know something about him?" Deuce raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps there are things that I know, and perhaps there are things that I don't." Chenya riddled.

"That's not an answer!" Grim pushed.

"Is there something you wish to know about Riddle?"

"Yeah, what created such a control freak?" Ace nodded furiously.

Chenya crossed his arms and grinned. "I believe his four-eyed friend may have the answer."

"Four-eyed friend? You mean Trey?" Deuce guessed. Chenya nodded.

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