Chestnut Tart Quest

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me.

Grim was invested in the topic. "So what are the other dorms like, then?"

Trey began to explain "As Cater mentioned earlier, the dorms of this school are themed after the Great Seven. We have our dorm, Heartslabyul, modeled after the strictness of the Queen of Hearts. Savanaclaw, based on the persistent spirit of the King of Beasts. Octavinelle, based on the benevolent heart of the Sea Witch. Scarabia, based on the mindful personality of the Sorcerer of the Sands. Pomefiore, based on the tenacity of the Fairest Queen. Ignihyde, based on the diligence of the King of the Underworld. Diasomnia, based on the noble spirit of the Thorn Queen."

Niho fiddled with her utensils nervously. "That's a lot to take in."

"All those names are way too long! How's anyone supposed to remember 'em?" Grim pouted.

"Ah ha ha! Well, you get the idea. Want to or not, you'll learn them soon enough." Cater laughed.

"At orientation, the Dark Mirror picks a dorm for you based on the essence of your being. As a result, each dorm ends up with a distinct sort of...flavor, we'll call it." Trey went in-depth.

"That is sooo true. I totes see it."

""Flavor," huh...?" Deuce asked.

"For example, look at that guy." Trey pointed nearby at another table to someone tall and with-

"He has dog ears?!" Niho gasped.

"That rough-and tumble vibe he's got has Savanaclaw House written all over it." Trey pointed out.

"No doubt. That dorm is full of scrappy guys who are into, like working out and fighting. How should I describe the vibe...? Macho dudes? Gruff big brothers? Something along those lines. The black and gold armband is another giveaway." Cater puts out.

"Huh. All right, so what about that guy with the grey and purple cord wrapped around his arm?" Grim motioned to someone further back.

Trey followed him and answered, "He's gotta be from Octavinelle House. And the student sitting at the table in front of him has a red and gold armband-Scarabia colors." He pointed over to two figures side by side one another.

"Those dorms are for the smart students. They're always neck-and-neck in the academic ranking. Ah, but the current housewarden of Scarabia doesn't seem to be all that great of a student..." Cater shrugged.

"And here Cater goes, off on some tangent." Ace reminded.

"Ha. You learn fast. Let's get back on topic. You see the flashy one with the purple and red armband? Those are Pomefiore colors." Trey points over further and true to his word, there seemed to be sparkles no matter which angle they turned.

"Whoa! The girl with the potion books, I really like her!" Grim gaped at the smaller body amongst the taller ones.

"What's she doing in a boys' school?!" Deuce looked confused. Ace hit him on the arm.

"You two are such morons. There aren't girls officially enrolled here."


Niho gave both Ace and Deuce a look.

The smaller boy looked around at their table, hearing the confusion going on, but was pulled back into the conversation and didn't think much else.

"Speaking of girls, there's a portrait in the west hall who's a real beauty. Name's Rosaria. If you'd like to meet her, I'd be happy to introduce you. Maybe we can set something up?" Cater smiled playfully.

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