Feelings Reconciled

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me.


"Riddle, stop!" but it was too late....

The dripping in Niho's ears became a rainfall, filling her eardrums with nothing but the constant noise. She closed her eyes as she tried to block out the noise, putting her hands over her ears as well, but it did nothing, the dripping becoming louder and louder by the passing seconds when.....it stopped. She opened her eyes, wondering where the noise went, when suddenly.....something, or someone, caught her eye.

Riddle's skin became an ashen grey like cinders. His eyes became a bloody red tint, his right eye lit a flame by red. A web of black markings trailed across the right side of his face. The gold crown he wore became a web of black, retaining its shape, black ink oozed from a choker that looked carved into his neck. His uniform changed drastically as well. His suit and the cape looked melded into one article, as splashes of red and black splattered onto the tattered ends of the cape, the white collar now looked like a backpiece of black iron wrapped behind his neck, the white collar torn. The suit was a dress meshed with red and black alike, sleeves shredded at his upper arms, revealing bare arms covered in black goo like opera gloves of sorts. Across his chest were black leather straps with gold heart buckles. His hips sprouted black and white flowers, drifting into a skirt of torn material and strands of playing cards. The boots had shifted into black armored boots, dripping with the same back stuff on his arms.

Niho's jaw dropped open. "A dark aura is flowing out of him!"

What Riddle spoke next sent her freezing on the spot, his voice malicious and demented. "Heh heh heh... AH HA HA HA! You are fools to defy me! You are not welcome in my world. In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is "Yes, Housewarden Riddle." All who defy me will lose their heads! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

Crowley put his hands to his head in despair, wailing, "Dear me, what have I done? I've allowed a student to overblot in my presence!"

Grim turned to him, asking, ""Overblot"? What does that mean?!"

"Overblot is a dangerous condition that mages must avoid at all At the moment, he is overcome by negative energy, and has lost control of his magic and emotions." Crowley answered, confusing them.

"Okay, sure...but what does that mean?"

"Please explain!"

Cater clenched his hands at their stupidity. "To put it in layman's terms, he's in evil berserker mode!"

"If he keeps releasing magical energy, we could be looking at a loss of life here-his included." Trey grimaced.

"Uh, WHAT?!"

"You mean... he'll die?!" Niho quivered.

"The well-being of my students is my top priority." Crowley instructed. "Therefore, I must evacuate them immediately. As for Mr. Rosehearts, we must restore his consciousness before his magical energy runs dry. For as bad as losing him would be, there are scenarios that are far worse..." he didn't finish. "Listen well: I need all of you to seek help from the other housewarden's and members of the faculty."

Niho whispered fiercely to the others to attack Riddle with all they had.

"Hiiiyah! Take that!" Ace blasted a Wind bolt Riddle's way, taking the others back with his brash move.


"I summon thee, cauldron!"


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