Press-Gang Contract

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me. Sorry for the long wait. My friend had to finish her last year of collage.

'What an intense storm...' was all Niho could think as dark clouds had swarmed the skies and the seas tossed and threw themselves every which way.

"Hurricane a'comin'! Stand fast! Secure the riggin'!" One sailor shouted as a familiar redheaded female's head popped up beneath the waves, carrying a body with her to the shore. After the storm died down and he was dragged to the shore, she checked to see if he was still alive.

"Look! He's breathing." Ariel sighed in relief, but panicked as soon as she heard barking and an elderly man's voice further away.

"Eric!" Grimsby yelled as he helped the prince to his feet, but Eric's mind could only hear the sirenic calling moments ago.

"A girl...rescued me. She had the most...beautiful voice..." was what he said as they disappeared, but Ariel, nearby on the rocks, watched him leave but she felt adrenaline in her veins.

"My heart... Oh, how it pounds! Yes. I know it. The day will soon come... part of your world!" she swore, unaware that two eels from below were watching with mirth in their eyes.

Niho's mind was pulled from its slumber lull as she looked around with groggy eyes. Her bedroom compared to the first few months of staying was much cleaner than before. No more dust-bunnies or cobwebs and the peeling wallpaper was partially-taken care of, amongst other things, but her mind had gone back to the dream she had seen moments ago. "Was I dreaming of the sea...? Maybe I could go up to the roof to see the sunrise."

After slipping on a jacket and some shoes, she unlocked the window of her room, and latched her feet onto the railing, propelling herself up to grab onto the ledge of the roof. She pulled herself up, hands gripping the ledge and hauled her right foot up to the roof and then the left, then the rest of her body. She breathed heavily as she crawled higher up to the top and found a suitable spot for sitting. Soon as some air was in her lungs, she looked up at the skies.

Dark blue began to recede as the skies morphed to medium blues to purple with some pinks and orange. It made for some rather nice scenery. She smiled lightly and before she knew it, she started to sing.


La-la-la, la-la...

Gales of song, guide me through the storm"

Niho then looked back to see if anyone was watching her. Somehow, she didn't know, but seemed to remember that she liked to sing. Thinking back to when she sang while cleaning the Ramshackle Dorm when she first came to this world. How she couldn't remember her family or house.

"On the wings of a small, simple melody

Words take flight and soar

They carry me, a world we'll see..."

Malleus's face flashed into her mind as well.

"Looking for a farewell, I pull the threads

A life without you I cannot accept

I can't tell that lie, I can't let go

But now that you're gone, I have to move on

Seems like everyone, just smile staring at the sun

But what about me? Tell me how I will know where I should go?

Oh gales, you sing and guide me!"

The overblot fights from before came to her with force.

"I walk alone. There's more to life I have to know

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