Cornering the Suspect

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I thank KatherineOzawa of Wattpad for helping me.

Niho felt like she was on clouds as a dream began to manifest in her mind. "A parade of animals...?" She saw a number of hyenas marching like soldiers before a seated lion.

"The world is about to be turned upside down. A shining new era is near." Scar smiled with mad glee.

"And where do we fit in?" Shenzi questioned.

"Just listen. We're going to take out Mufasa AND his son. And then I will be king!" Scar grinned.

"All right! Long live the king!" Banzai cheered, followed by the hoard of hyenas, chanting wildly,

"Long live the king!"

"I've fangs and courage that none can match. So be prepared!" Scar swore to the dark skies as he laughed maniacally.

"Why did he want to be king so badly?" Niho felt like she was to know how this played out but something was blocking her memory from remembering, when suddenly she was forced from her slumber.

Her eyes jolted open as she sat up confused and scratching her bed-head like she had a headache.

Grim walked into her room, the door left open and saw she was up. "Oh, Niho, you're up? Breakfast is gettin' cold! Let's go eat already!" He urged her. She did so, deciding to dress in her uniform later as she saw Rajni at the table in her own sleepwear and setting food down on the table. She urged her to come forth and fill her plate. Niho decided on grabbing some scrambled eggs, a bagel and some grilled ham and she sat at the table, scooting her chair forward, Rajni and Grim doing the same. A small silence swept the dining room as everyone ate with comfort. But Niho, chewing on her bagel, had to get the truth out to Rajni. These dreams were telling something to her and she needed her allies to know the truth.

"Rajni?" the demi-lioness nodded, signaling she was listening. "I...need to tell you something..." she took a deep breath and kept talking, "Ever since I came into this world...I...I've been having some really vivid dreams...and...and they seem to be connected to...the Great Seven in some way..."

"The Great Seven?" Rajni asked, putting down her fork, fully intrigued by the topic now. "That's something people here don't see everyday..."

"Well yeah, and...besides that...I've...been hearing dripping leaking pipes but...deeper and darker..."

"Dripping? Dreams of the Seven?" Rajni raised an eyebrow confused. "Care to explain?"

"Eh...Yeah, I want in on this too!" Grim decided to stop gorging himself and listen to what's at hand.

Niho nodded, knowing there was no turning back. "Sure. So just recently, I've gone through dream sequences involving The Queen of Hearts...and...for some reason, those events mirrored what happened in real life: Riddle collared the guys for not obeying the rules just as she had three cards-men killed for soiling her roses. And when...Ace told Riddle exactly what he thought about him, Riddle lost it...just as the Queen did on...Alice...that's what led to...overblot, it was called?...but now with the Queen out of the way...the King of Beasts is next...and I just woke up from one dream of his...and I've a may have to do with Leona..."

Rajni, who was listening with thought, nodded. When Niho stopped, she took a deep breath and spoke, "That's a strong thing you did: confessing something that's been bothering you. If what you say is true, that somehow the stories of the Great Seven are being reflected in real life now, then something big may be at play regarding Leona...and maybe future students..." her tail swished with some anxiety but when she looked at the clock, they knew they had to pick up where they left off on their so called 'investigation'. "We'll discuss this more later. We have a job to handle."

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