Skyler's P.O.V
It was Monday. Darren and I were riding on our skateboards to school. I really didn't wan to go to school today.
Well first cause its Monday and I'm tired and I hate school and two cause of what happened on Saturday.
Now I know that Sebastian likes Val, which means I have to chance. I sighed as we arrived at school.
I immediately saw sleepy people everywhere. I saw April walking to us. "Hey guys."
"Hey April." Darren and I said in unison. "Wow even when you guys speak together its sounds cute."
I blushed of embarrassment, but Darren blushed of something else. It was that kind of love blush.
And yes, I just said love blush. I gave Darren a little push. "Good luck Darren." I began to walk away.
I giggled. They seem cute together. What can be there ship name? Hmm. Dapril? Nah. Do you guys know one?
I guess we can discuss that later. I walked to the bathroom to do my business.
As I walked in I felt someone watching me. I shrugged it off and walked inside the girls bathroom.
I did my business and washed my hands. As I was almost done washing my hands when Val came in.
She stared at me and spoke. "Hey." She said with a mean tone. "What." I replied back with the same tone.
"I just want to let you know that Sebastian is mine and that he doesn't like you." She said with attitude.
I groaned. "I know that he doesn't like me, that's why I think it's best that we stay as friends."
"I want to know." "Know what?" "Do you like him?" Do I like Sebastian? I mean Jerk?
"That's none of your business." "I was just wondering. You know so I can have him."
I pushed my way through her. "Leave me alone Val. I did nothing to you." "Just admit it."
She followed me outside. "You like Sebastian!" As on cue Sebas-er, I mean Jerk came out.
"What about me?" I sighed. Great. Val went to him, but he backed away. "Nothing Sebastian."
"Oh, well in that case, Skyler can I talk to you?" The ball rang. Great, saved by the bell.
I gave Jerk a smile. "We can talk later. Bye." I quickly walked to my first period. I sighed in relief.
I saw Darren talking to some guys. I walk to my seat and began to draw. I began to draw a beautiful rose.
"Skyler?" I look up and see Darren. "Huh? Oh sorry Darren." "What's wrong Skyler? You seem sad."
I really didn't want to talk to Darren about what had happened. "Nothing. It's just school."
"Oh well ok then, but you know when you need me you can count on me." I gave him a soft smile.
"Thank you Darren." "Your welcome, squirt." "I'm not short. We're exactly the same height."
"Don't be jealous." I playfully punched his arm. The teacher came in a few minutes later.
After that boring class Darren and I walked to Art class. "Hey Darren." Said April.
Darren blushed. "Um. H-hey A-April." We walked to Art class together. We quickly took our seats when we arrived.
The teacher came in after a good thirty minutes. How come every teacher is coming late?
"Sorry class that I'm late." Everyone sighed or groaned. "Well today we will be working our projects, so you may get them."
A few people stood up to get their projects. I walked back to my and saw a note.
'Please meet me by the big oak tree during break. It is really important.'
I wonder who this is from. I shrugged and went to get some paints. Darren and I began to paint our portrait.
April came to check on us. "Hey." "Hi." "Sup." "How are you guys doing?" "Great. You want to look?"
"Sure." April walked behind us and gasped. "It looks so beautiful. You can really image yourself in the portrait."
"Who's your partner?" "Sebastian. Although he isn't here." Said April. "I saw him before school."
"He's probably ditching." We all laughed, but Darren had that love blush, again.
Maybe I should give Darren some advice to ask out April. After a few 15 minutes, we finally finished.
And in just time too, the bell rang when we were done. Darren and I went to wash our hands.
I need to see who wrote me this letter. "Uh, Darren, I need to get something from English class."
"Ok, just don't ditch me during music class." "I won't." I walked to the oak tree and saw someone sitting down.
I guess that person was drawing. I walk to the person."Um hey." I said with shyness.
"Are you the one that wrote me that note?" I asked shyly, again. As I waited for that person to answer.
I looked at them. Tattoos on their arms, a few piercings, and a black hat. That person looked at me.
It was Sebatian-er I mean Jerk.
Sebastian's P.O.V
I waited for Skyler to meet me here at the Oak tree. I really hope that she came, so I can sort things out with.
I want her to understand that I like her not Val. I actually hate Val. She ruined my chances with Skyler.
I heard footsteps come my way. I look up, but just a little. I saw Skyler coming my way.
'Yes she came. Ok Sebastian, stop fan-girling.' "Um hey." She said shyly. She sounded so cute.
'Focus Sebastian. I am focusing! The girl that you love is right in front of you. I know let, me speak.'
Sorry, I was having a fight with brain. I know it sounds weird, but hey don't you guys have brain fights too?
"Are you the one that wrote me that note?" She asked shyly, again. I look up at her.
She looked hot. I stared at her for a while. "Sebastian." I stared at her boobs. So big.
'Sebastian! God damn focus, your losing her. She's walking away you idiot!' I snapped out of my thoughts.
I saw Skyler leaving. "Skyler wait!" I ran after. She didn't stop. Damn! I ran as fast as I could.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my arms. She tried to break free, but I didn't let her go.
"Skyler please listen to me!" She calmed down. I let her go. She stood there staring at me.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened the other day. I didn't know that Val would do that. I don't like her. I'm just sorry."
"Look Sebastian." I love it how she says my name. "I know you like Val, but I think we should stay as friends."
It broke my heart when she said 'friends.' "B-but. I don't like Val. I-I l-." Right before I was about to say 'I love you' a group of girls came to me.
"So Sebastian when are we going to the movies?" "Are you taking me to dinner like you promised?" "When are you taking me to your house?" Said the group of girls.
"I'll see you later." Skyler began to leave. 'No!!' I thought. As I pushed my way through the group of girls I saw something on the floor.
I picked up the paper and looked at it. It was a well-drawn heart with a banner going through it.
On the banner it said 'Sebastian'. I looked at the heart again and again. 'She likes me' I thought. 'This proves it!'
"I like you too, Skyler." I whispered to myself.

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...