Skyler's P.O.V
"And that's all folks! Let's give 'The Rebels' a big applause!" We all smiled.
Sebastian, Darren, April, and I walked off the venue stage. "That was great!!" I cheered.
"Let's go get ice cream!" Darren said. "Good idea!" yelled Sebastian. "Wait! I need to go to the bathroom. Skyler come with me?" "Sure."
"We'll go out the instruments back." said Sebastian. "Ok." April and I walk to the bathroom.
As we walked to the bathroom some people congratulated us. "You did great!" "When's your album coming out!" "Your hot!"
I just smiled at the people and continued my walk. "So when do you think we can start making the album?" April asked.
"I don't know." After April going to the bathroom and washing her hands, we walked back to Darren and Sebastian.
Of course when we got there, so many people were there, especially girls. "Marry me!" "I think your cute!" "Go out with me!" "Hot!" the girls screamed to Sebastian and Darren.
April and I laughed. "This is hilarious!" I laughed as both boys tried and struggled to get through the crowd of girls. "At least that isn't us." says April. "So true."
I wish April didn't say that cause a large group of guys ran towards us. "Hey, it's Skyler and April!" "They're so hot!"
Now we tried and struggled to break free from this ocean of guys. I swear I heard Darren and Sebastian laughed. Those idiots.
"Skyler had big boobs!" "Damn!" "Babes right here!" I sighed and looked at April.
"To good to be true." This one guy just hugged me from behind. "Hey baby." this guy whispers to me.
For some reason, his voice sounds familiar. "Um do I know you?" I ask. "Maybe, if you remember this."
This random guy turns me around and starts to kiss me. I couldn't really see his face cause he had a hoodie on, but I pretty sure he's my age.
"H-hey! I have a boyfriend!" "So. We can have some fun?"
I squirm in his grasp and try to break free, but sadly I couldn't. The guy groped one of my boobs and I gasped.
I use one of my free hands and slap his face. "Let me go!" "No, I want you to remember me!"
Who is this guy? Why does he want me to remember him?
"Hey! Let my girl go!" The guy that was him holding me was turned around and punched.
The guy and Sebastian were fighting. Darren and April were at the car, but Darren told April something and ran to me.
"Sebastian! Please be careful!" Darren hugged me fell behind and and carried me to the van.
"Darren put me down!" "No! I will not let my baby sister get hurt!" "But Sebastian!" "Sebastian is strong, he'll kick that guy's ass."
I saw the fight from afar. Sebastian was throwing punches at the guy, but then the guy kicked him in the stomach.
"Sebastian!" The guy punched Sebastian's face. "Darren please!" "No!"
Sebastian slowly stood up and looked at me. "I got this babe." he gave me a smile. I felt a few tears go down my face.
Seeing his bruised face made me feel guilty. It's my fault that he's hurt. If only I walked to the car and walked away from the group of guys then none of this wouldn't have happened.
I kept seeing he fight. "This is for my girlfriend!" Sebastian punched the guy in the stomach. "This is for messing with me!" He punched the guy in the face. "Never mess with my girl again!" He kicked the guy to the ground.
"Yeah!" the group that was surrounding them cheered. I escaped from Darren and ran to Sebastian.
"Sebastian are you ok?! I'm sorry!" He chuckled and gave me a small smile. "Why are you apologizing for?"
He stared into my hazel eyes. "I don't know, but all that matters is that your ok now." I kissed him and he kissed me back.
The kiss was nice and I enjoyed it. "I love when you do that!" he cheered and I giggled. "Let's go home." he says.
He puts an arm around my waist and we walk to the car.
"Ow!" "Stay still or I'm going to be hurting you by accident." "I can't! It hurts a lot!" "Sebastian!"
After going home, I helped Sebastian with his injuries. "Just one more bandaid." I put a bandaid on Sebastian's cheek.
"And done!" I said while cleansing up the mess. "Why did it take so long?!" Sebastian whined.
I rolled my eyes. "Cause you kept moving too much." "It hurt! That's why I kept moving!" he whined, again.
After cleansing I made some sandwiches and poured some juice. "Sebastian." "What?" he said while eating his sandwich.
"I'm sorry." I hung my head down. "If only I left when the group of guys and came sooner to the car, then you wouldn't have been hurt."
I felt a few tears, but I quickly swiped them away. "Babe no. It wasn't your fault." I heard Sebastian's voice.
I couldn't even look at him. "I'm sorry." I felt him envelope me into a warm hug. "Baby it's not your fault. It was that dumbass, stupid, prick, jerk." he growled.
I giggled through my cries. "He was stupid." I said with a smile. "And you did beat him up and still won." I looked up at him with a smile.
He was looking down at me with a smile too. "That's cause no one messes with my baby." he leaned down and kissed me.
I kissed him back. It felt great when we kissed. I could feel sparks form when our lips move together.
"I love you Skyler." Sebastian mumbled. "I love you too Sebastian." sadly we had to let go cause we needed air.
"Nooo! I want more kisses!" Sebastian whined. "You are a whiner." I kissed his cheek.
Sebastian may be a bad boy, but sometimes he's a whiner.
"Just one more!" he whined for one more kiss. I sighed and kissed him. He groped my ass and I gasped.
Of course that idiot groped my ass so he can stick his tongue in my mouth, but I still enjoyed the kiss.
"Yeah! I got my kiss! Now one more please!"
Yep, a big whiner.

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...