"Damnit!" Darren threw the XBOX ONE controller on the couch. "Never try to outsmart me oh big brother." I said with a smile on my face. "I would've won if Luke!" Darren emphasized Luke's name. "Hadn't gotten in my way." Darren said.
"I'm sorry! I moved forward instead of backwards. Also I was eating some donuts. You try to eat while playing video games?" Luke questioned Darren.
"It's called multitasking. Look it up." Kyle butted in the conversation. Luke rolled his eyes as he went back to arguing with Darren.
"Seriously you are amazing." Sebastian whispered. I laughed a little as Sebastian wrapped his arm around me. "And our child is amazing." Sebastian whispered in my ear once more.
"Calm down you two, get a room." Darren said as he and Luke went back to the game. "Wait! What the hell?! The game!" I quickly grabbed my controller and joined the group. "No fair! I didn't even know that you were starting." I quickly chose a random gun and started to kill the other players.
"Sebastian was already playing too." Luke added. "You idiot." I playfully smacked Sebatian's hard chest. "Hey! Darren started the game, so I joined in." Sebastian said.
I shook my head in disapproval as I killed Darren and Luke in the game. "Haha! That's what you get!" I heard Darren groan I'm annoyance.
"Hey what time is it?" Kyle asked. "12:45 p.m." I answered. "Well I'm hungry." Kyle said. "Me too." Darren replied. "Same here." Luke answered. "McDonalds it is." Sebastian said.
"Well who's driving?" Darren asked. "I'm too lazy to drive." Kyle said before groaning. "I have a cramp in my leg. Ow." Luke held his leg in "pain". "Skyler and I are taking out driving test next week, so we can't." Darren added. "I don't have a car." was all Sebastian said.
"One." I said. "Two." they know already. "Three. Nose-goes!" I quickly put my finger on my nose. "Damnit! Fuckin shit!" I laughed as Kyle was last to put his finger in his nose.
"Get in te car and let's go!" He said in frustration. "Aww, is wittle big brother mad?" Darren teased Kyle while Luke laughed.
"Can we just go?"
"So that'll be 6 cheeseburgers, 3 Big Macs, 8 large fries, 4 of the #2's, 5 large sodas, 5 ice creams cones, 6 milk shakes, and 10 cookies." The lady said out order through the speaker said. "Uh it's actually 8 cheeseburgers." Kyle corrected her.
"Right. $30.50 and the window." Kyle drive to the next window and paid the lady that took out order. "Thanks sir, come again." She said as Kyle nodded in response.
The worker at the next window gave us about 10 bags of the food that we ordered, and 3 cup holders. "Thanks." Kyle mumbled. "Oh! Can we have ketchup?" I asked the guy. "Yeah." He said as he handed us some bags of ketchup." We went home and it was
about 1:15 when we arrived.The 5 of us say down and took out all the food. "We must look like fatties." I commented as I ate a fry. "Well we exercise, so we're not fatties." Kyle added.
"Anyone has ketchup?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah." Luke threw a few ketchup packets and Sebastian caught them all. "This is heaven." I said as I took a bite from my burger.
A few minutes later passed and we weren't done eating when we heard a car pull up. "It's probably Brian or April." Darren said as he ate his 3rd burger.
We heard the door open and close. "Oh kids?!" Dad? I saw dad come in the kitchen with a smile. "Hey dad." I said with a smile. "Hey Skyler." He replied.
"Darren? Luke? Kyle?" Dad asked my older brothers. "Yeah?" They all replied in unison. "Why weren't you at school today??!!" He asked, we practically yelled.
"Uh." Was all Kyle could say. "We felt sick?" Darren said. "You're all grounded." Dad said. "Even Skyler." Dad said. "What did I do?" I questioned. "You weren't suppose to get out of bed." He said. I sheepishly smiled. "You too Sebastian. I even called your Aunt Cass, she's one her way." He said.
"Well shit." He said. "Fuck." Darren groaned. "Now," Dad sat down in a chair. "thanks for buying lunch."
That's great. Grounded and prohibited to go outside cause of my injures.

Bad Boy In Love
RomantikA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...