Darren's P.O.V
I really don't know why dad sent Skyler and I to McDonalds at frickin 11:00 p.m. I was tried and so is Skyler.
"Darren." Skyler said sleepy. "What." I said in the same tone as her. "I'm tired." "Same. Why did dad sent us to McDonalds again?"
"I don't know." We walked through the dark streets looking sleepy. As we walked I could see Sebastian.
"Skyler!" I saw him run and hug Skyler. "Hey babe." "Hey." Sebastian looked at us. "You guys look tired."
"Our dad sent us to get McDonalds." "Oh. That's explains why you guys are here." "Yep." The three of us walked home.
Skyler's P.O.V
As we walked I could see someone on the curve. That person was just sitting there. "Darren. Sebastian. Look over there."
The both turn their heads. "A guy sitting on the curve." "What about it." "Let's see if he needs help."
The three of us walk to the guy. "Excuse me do you need help?" I ask the guy. The guy stayed quiet. "Excuse me?" said Darren.
The guy looked at us. I was shocked. I couldn't even speak. "Uh." was all I could say. "Oh. My. God." whispered Darren.
"This better not be a joke." said Sebastian. "You look a lot like. Like." "Like Kyle." said the guy. "I'm looking for these people."
He showed us a picture of dad, the twins, Darren, Kyle, and I. "That's u-us." said the guy. He stood up and hugged us.
"Finally. I've been looking for my family for so many years now." I could hear the guy cry. "Um. Let's tale you to our place."
We walked home. I said Goodbye to Sebastian. The three of us walked in. "Finally. I'm starving. Did you guys-" dad stop talking.
"Luke." was all dad said. "Dad." said Luke. He ran to dad and hugged him. "I've been looking for you, but you mother." said dad.
"Your mom tried to stop me, but I kept looking." said dad. "We need an explanation dad." Kyle and the twins came downstairs.
Everyone sat down. "Kyle. Darren. Skyler. Scotty. Zacky. This is Kyle's twin. Your brother."

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...