Skyler's P.O.V
Well back to hell. What I meant to say is school. Darren and I rode our skateboards to school, but Darren decided that we'd stop at a donut shop. I texted April and Sebastian if they wanted to meet us at the donut shop. Of course Sebastian loves donuts just like Darren so he's coming. April said that she would too for a hot chocolate.
"Darren hurry up." I said. "Wait. Can I also have the glazed one?" Seriously. For Darren had the chance to eat unlimited donuts for life, he would.
"Can I have a chocolate bar with a medium hot chocolate?" I asked nicely. From the window I could see Sebastian and April coming to the donut shop.
"We're here bitches!" Sebastian yelled. "Hey, some kids are here." I punched Sebastian's chest. "Ow and I'm sorry." I giggled. "Now can I have a dozen. There for my aunt." Sebastian said.
They're not really for his aunt. It's for him. Yep, just like Darren. "Hey, wanna go wait outside?" April asked.
"Yeah. These idiots will be taking forever." We both laughed and walked outside with our hot chocolates and just one donut and our skateboards.
"So the band will be able to rise up if we keep world hard." April mentioned. "I know. We need new and better songs." "Well I am writing this song. It's called Sweet Dreams. I've wrote the lyrics and notes. You should come and check it out." April said.
"Yeah. It sounds like a good song." Sebastian and Darren finally came out. "Seriously you too take longer than we do." I said. Seriously, they probably take longer than an hour.
"We're really late to school." April said. "Then why go?" Sebastian replied. "Good point." Sebastian had a victory smile on.
"Well what do we do?" Darren asked. "April said that she's been writing a song, so let's go check it out." I suggested.
"I'm not done eating my donuts!" Sebastian whined. "Fine we'll wait."
"I love the intro." We decided to play the song that April wrote. After playing it, we've listened to it and the song was amazing!
"It's amazing." Darren said. "Well I'm tired." Sebastian said. "Its only 5 in the afternoon." I said. "Yeah and I'm tired." I shook my head. "Well Skyler and I are going to go eat." Darren said.
"Same. I'm hungry." April said. "See ya Sebastian." I said. "What. No goodbye kiss?" He pouted. I rolled my eyes and gave a quick kiss to Sebastian. From the corner of my eye I could see Darren and April making out.
"PDA!" I yelled. They both let go and blushed. "I'll see you later babe." Sebastian kissed me one more time and then I went home with Darren.
Kyle and Luke were setting down the plates and cups. Zacky and Scotty were playing with their cars. "Hey guys." "Hi Skyler." My younger twin brothers said in unison.
"Go wash your hands guys and then take a seat at the table." I said. "Ok Skyler." They both ran off. I smiled. At least they can't suffer like how we did.
I went to go wash my hands and then sat at the table. "So how was school?" Dad asked us. Darren and I looked at each other.
"Daddy we painted!" Zacky and Scotty said. A sigh of relief escape from my lips. "That's nice boys." Dad gave them a smile.
"Skyler. Darren. How was school?" Dad asked us. "Uh. It was ok. Y'know learning and other important stuff." Darren said. "Yeah. We learned math and other stuff." I said.
Dad cut a piece of his steak and ate it. "You didn't go to school, didn't you?" How was he able to find out. "Yeah." We said in defeat.
"Right. Luke and Kyle how was school?" "It's was great dad. I learned more about the world." Like said. "Did you know that the biggest shark called the Megalondon, lived the through the dinosaur age and supposedly lives right now?" Kyle said.
"It's nice to hear how your days went." Dad said. After finishing our dinner, we all washed out plates and set them to dry.
"Um Skyler, we have something to tell you." Kyle said. I'm worried. Did something happen?
"Ok. I'll be out in a minute." I poured myself some organs juice and walked out if the kitchen. Darren, Kyle, Luke, and dad were sitting at the table.
"What is it?" I sat down. "Well you're not going to be too happy about this." Dad said.
"We're already looking for him, but we can't find him." Darren said. "We will do anything to protect you." Kyle said. "So be careful when you go out." Luke said.
Dad took a deep breath. "Jacob is looking for you." I felt like I couldn't breath. My whole world crashed down.
"What?" I asked in disbelief. "Jacob is coming after you and Sebastian." Dad said. "We told Sebastian and he said that he got a letter and a few pictures of you too." Kyle said.
"Also we found a letter and also a few pictures of you guys in your room." Luke said. "We think that Jacob sent these." Darren said.
"We will have to keep an eye out on you and Sebastian. Especially you." Dad said. "Are you ok?" Darren asked me.
"I-I just don't want to go through. I don't want I get hurt again by that evil bastard." I felt my hands turn into fists.
"Well we will get him. Go get some rest Skyler." Dad said. I walked to my room.
Jacob. He's back. His name brings and bad memories that I want to get rid of.
I want him out of my life. This time forever.

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...