Skyler's P.O.V
"Here's the microphone that you'll have in your shirt. Put it in now." Brian handed me this tiny microphone.
I decided to meet Jacob. I want to see him behind bars. That asshole will get what he deserves.
"Just act normal when you meet him." Brian said. "All the guys will be near you and Jacob. They we'll be watching you and if Jacob tries anything, they'll kick his ass." Brian typed away in his laptop.
"I have cameras installed near you so the girls and I will be able to watch what's going on and if something happens we'll call the police." Brian is so smart he should be in college already.
"Thanks Brian." I have him a hug and he chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Just looking out for ya." He ruffles my hair and I let go. "If something does happen, try to keep the microphone on you, we need all the evidence we can get." Brian said.
"Hey Brian?" "Yeah?" "Why don't you even hang out with other people, I mean we're like not that great of good example and we're always getting into trouble. You're smart and a good kid, why do you hand out with people like us?" I always wondered why Brian hasn't left our group.
"Well Skyler, it cause I have great friends. So what if I'm smart and a good kid, I have the right to be friends with who ever I want. Plus it's fun being with you guys, all the craziness and silliness that happens m in our amazing group, well I'm glad to have friends like you." Brian gave me a smile.
"Well said Brian, well said." There stood Reece and Josh slowly clapping. "Shut up and go help or do something." Brian shooed then away.
"It's on now Brian." Josh said. "Yo Sebastian! Darren! Get in here! We're going to have a arm wrestling challenge!" Reece yelled.
In a split second both my brother and boyfriend were already here.
"I'm leaving." I said.
Boys must be boys.
"Well good luck baby sis." Darren gave me a bone crushing hug. "Y-you're killing m-me." I was able to breath out. "Sorry. I'm just really worried." Darren let me go.
I took in a deep breath. "Darren seriously, you're stronger than the hulk." I took on a few breaths as Darren laughed.
"I swear, when I come back I'm going to kill you myself." I warned my brother. "I wanna see you try." We both laughed. "It's time for my leave." I said.
Sebastian was wearing all black clothing-not like he never wears black-and had a duffel bag. "What's in the duffel bag?" I ask my boyfriend.
"Stuff." He replied. "Like?" "You know," Sebastian looks at me. "Stuff." I rolled my eyes as he walked over to me. "Please be careful." Sebastian kissed me. "I love you so much." He kissed me once more. "I love you too." I said through our kisses.
"You guys can have sex later, let's get going." Reece said. "Shut up Reece!" Sebastian yelled. "Well I'll see you soon love." Sebastian have me one last kiss before I could leave.
I began to walk away, but Sebastian slapped my ass. "Sebastian." I gasped out. He winked at me and laughed. "I'll get him back later." I mumbled.
I started to walk to the park were Jacob was meeting me. It's a perfect place were we won't be that alone. Other people would be walking around, there may be some dogs there with their owners, and it's in the open.
I could see the park and I get myself get a bit nervous. What if he founds out about our plan? What if he tries so do something?
Just remember, I'll be with you all the time.
I remember what Sebastian told me a few days ago before we got the things that we needed to make the plan happen.
Stay calm Skyler. Act like if none of this happening.
Once I reach the park, I could see Jacob sitting in a bench. I took one deep breath. As I got closer to the bench, I reminded myself to act normal.
Once I reached the bench, Jacob stood up. "Hey." He flashed me a smile. "Hi, sorry I'm late." I said. "Nah it's fine, I got here a few minutes ago." He said.
"I brought you these." He handed me a box of chocolates. "Thanks that's really sweet of you." Are these chocolates poisonous? I don't know, but once I leave, I'll throw them away.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I say next to him. I didn't sit too close or too far. "Well I wanted to ask you if you remember me?" He stared at the rose bushes that were I front of us.
Yes I do remember you, fuckin asshole.
"No." I said. I saw a frown appear on his face. "Why do you ask?" I questioned Jacob. He looked at me and took a deep breath.
"I did something bad to you that I shouldn't have done and I feel really bad." He explained to me. "I know you'll think that in crazy, but we use to date." He said. Of course I remember that we use to date and what he did to me.
"Really? I did know a Jacob in the last school I went to." I said. His face lit up and a smile formed in his face. "He was one of my best friends. He'd give me good advice and always was there for me when I was feeling down." I told Jacob.
"But one day I moved into a new school and never saw him again." I said. Jacob turned around and faced me. "Skyler, the Jacob that your talking about is me." He said. I had to pretend that I was shocked. "J-Jacob?" I gasped. It wasn't a real one.
"Yep, remember that we dated." He said. I waited a few moments before I remembered seeing Jacob with another girl. "I think I am. I'm not sure." I told him.
"Skyler, I want you back." Jacob said out of nowhere. What?! Not in a billion years! "Jacob, we're friends. I'm also dating Sebastian, he loves me and I love him." I honestly answered.
Jacob mumbled something and then a smile formed on his face. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to say that you're wrong." What is he talking about?
"I knew that Sebastian was a bad boy, but when I saw this, I just had to show you." Jacob showed me some pictures of Val and Sebastian kissing.
No, he wouldn't. These are probably from a long time ago. Yeah they must be. In the picture Sebastian only had one arm tattooed and only had a few piercings. Sebastian has more piercings and both his arms are tattooed.
He's trying to get to you Skyler. Act like if you didn't know about this. You can do this.
"What?! Where?! How?! He wouldn't." I said. I felt his arms wrap around. "I know, I'm sorry that he wasn't the one for you." He whispered.
"But I do have something thy I think you should know about." Jacob stood up and spoke with this random guy that came out of nowhere.
Jacob came back and then I saw and unconscious Reece, Josh, Darren, and Sebastian. "Guys." I whispered. "They're trying to get in our way." Jacob said.
They were all tied and unconscious. "So I knocked them out. They were spying on us and I don't like that." Jacob said. He sat down on the bench and put his arm around me.
"They want to separate us." Jacob pulled me close to him.
"And now you're all mine."
Darkness took over me.

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...