Sebastian's P.O.V
Well, we're still suspended, but the good news is that today's FRIDAY!
I'm going to have a movie marathon with my friends. Since it's a Friday, Were watching all the Friday movies.
You know the one with Ice Cube aka Craig and his friend Smokey, the one that smokes a lot. He's my inspiration.
Just kidding, but Smokey is my favorite character. Anyways, so I'm here with my Aunt cause my mom is too "busy".
"What about this?" My Aunt Cass held a popcorn machine. "Hey that's pretty cool." I said.
"You want it?" "Fuck yeah!" I yelled. "Language." she said. "Oh sorry, hell yeah!" "Good." I laughed.
My Aunt Cass is the best.
"So we need candy, chips, soda, and some of that good stuff." I put a bottle of whiskey in the cart.
"Ok and no." Aunt Cass took out the bottle of whiskey. "But-" "But nothing young man. your too young."
"I'm 18! Almost 19!" I whined at my Aunt Cass. "No. Let's go." Honestly I was acting like a fuckin 4-year old who wanted a piece of candy.
After paying we went to Pizza Hut and KFC, cause Reece and Josh wanted KFC. Assholes. We ordered our food and I played games on my phone.
Subway Surfer is probably the game that gets intense when I play it.
I guess I was into the game so much that I haven't realized that my Aunt Cass was snapping her fingers in my face.
"Hehe sorry Aunt Cass." "Mhm." I smiled sheepishly as her and she just rolled her eyes at me.
After getting all the food and drinks we went home. Aunt Cass went to go check on my mom and I went to the basement aka my chill room, and started to set up the things for movie night.
"Man, I'm tired." I threw myself on the comfortable cough. "It's a good thing that I made this into my chill room or else it would've been Aunt Cass's exercise room."
I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. There stood the Sander twins, April, and Reece.
"Welcome my dear friends." I said with a horrible French accent. Skyler giggled at me and I smiled at her.
"So we're the KFC?!" said Reece. "Oh thanks for saying, "hello Sebastian." Yeah great job Reece."
Reece wake over to me and gave me a hug. I heard the door open. "Huh, gay!" I let go and see Josh, Brian, and Darren laughing their asses off.
Then Carrie and Cathy came in. "What's so funny?" asked Carrie. "Sebastian and Reece were being gay as fuck." said Darren through his laughs.
"Shut up!" I punched their arms. I looked around and saw that everyone was here. "Well let's get this movie night started!" I yelled.
"I know that you don't smoke weed I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today cause it's Friday; you ain't got now job and you ain't got shit to do." Smokey was telling Craig.
"Smokey is so funny!" said Reece while stuffing some KFC in his mouth. "Yeah I know he's my favorite character."
"Well let's go." said April. All the girls stood up, but I pulled Skyler into my lap.
"Baby where are you going?" I asked her not wanting her to leave. "There's a special at the mall right now, so Cathy is driving us there." Skyler said with a smile.
"But I want you hear, in my lap so I can kiss you." She kissed my cheek. "You'll be fine." she left with the girls.
"Hey does anyone know why Jacob isn't here?" I asked the guys who looked lazy like me.
"I heard that some guy beat him up cause he touched his girl." said Josh. "Where?" "At a venue and I think it was where your guys were." said Josh.
"Yeah he has a bruised and cut lip, some bruises on his face, and almost a broke arm." "Damn that guy does know how to fight." I said.
This sounds too familiar. From the venue where the fight was to Jacob touching the guy's girl to the entire fight.
I'm going to do some investigating.
"Hey Sebastian! We're going to arm wrestle." said Darren with a toothy grin.
"I'm gonna beat yo asses so you guys better start to cry." I said with an evil smile.
"We'll about that." said Darren.
These guys are great friends, but I'm not sure about Jacob. I'll have to keep a close eye.

Bad Boy In Love
RomanceA new girl, lives with dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 younger brother twins, this girl is Skyler Sanders. A bad boy, tattoos, piercings, smokes, beer, gets in trouble in school all the time, gets all the girls. This bad boy is Sebastian Christ. He mee...