07. sunken sky

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Imee slowly went downstairs with a contented sigh, where two people casually waited for her. She had tired, worried eyes. How could she not? Hindi mapakali ang puso't isip niya. 

"Tulog na?" Irene asked when she saw her sister coming down; a troubled look clouded her whole being. When she saw Imee nod, she released the breath she was holding and began to ease up.

They left Catrina upstairs for her to take a rest, iyak ng iyak yung bata kanina kaya napagod bigla. Even before, they already asked the other helpers to clean out the room for her, so that it was ready for Catrina to use when she moves in. Nagsi-tinginan silang tatlo. After hearing the commotion downstairs, Imelda decided to check it out.

She found her two daughters soothing a crying Catrina.

At ayon na nga, Irene took it upon herself to explain what happened to her mother while Imee assisted Catrina up to her bedroom. And now, the three were currently sitting across from one another, quietly letting the situation sink in.

Halos hindi pa rin maka paniwala sina Imee at Irene, no words were said but as simple as the nod Catrina gave made all their hearts skip a beat.

"How could he do that? Sarili niyang anak sinasaktan niya." Imee muttered demeaningly; she couldn't help but feel frustrated towards whatever happened earlier as well as be defensive over this kid she had just met two days ago. 

Mama Meldy sighed, "Huwag na lang natin muna siyang isipin. Ang dapat natin pina-prioritize ay si Catrina. Kawawa yung bata." Imee nodded as a sign of agreement, meanwhile, Irene had her arms crossed and thought about something for a moment.

". . .what are we gonna do?" Irene asked, expression rather faint.

Imee turned to face her, "mag-sumpa tayo ng kaso."

"Hold on, Imee. That's the right thing to do but are we sure Catrina would like that decision?" Tanong ni Mama Meldy sa kaniyang panganay, "yes he did something cruel to her. But tatay niya pa din 'yon and we should ask Catrina first. Hindi dapat natin siya binibigla."

"But mom, sinaktan niya si Cat. Hindi man lang ba natin kakausapin?"

"I agree with Manang, mommy." Irene said, napatingin naman si Imee sa kaniya, halatang nagulat sa sinabi niya.

Imelda shook her head, a slight scowl evident on her features, "at kayo naman ang mapa pahamak?"

Both of them fell silent. Imelda closed her eyes and sighed, she needs to ensure everyone's safety regarding this situation kasi hindi nila alam kung anong pwedeng mangyari.

"As much as I want to talk some sense into that man's head. Your safety is more important. Pinag-iinitan na nga ang pamilya natin, how much more if we just marched over there and imprison Catrina's father!"

Imelda explained. She was upset, not because of her daughter's decision, but because of the people who have bad intentions. They can never be too careful.

"We are giving them something to talk about once we proceed with your plan, Imee. Iskandalo na naman ang madadatnan natin diyan."

Irene and Imee exchanged looks and sighed, they can't argue with their mother. Masyadong matalino at taktikal si Mama Meldy, two of her many good qualities.

"Fine. Kakausapin ko si Catrina. At kapag pumayag yung bata, tsaka natin isampalan ng kaso. In the meantime, I will let her rest, no chores for awhile, at dito na talaga siya titira." Imee stated, this was the best thing they could do at the moment.

The three had come up with a somewhat strategical plan that they all agreed on. And there was nothing else to talk about, so the room was yet again, engulfed in utter silence.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now