42. ladies leisure

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It was the day before they officially leave the beach and get on with their lives. The ladies had something in mind, something they've been planning to do in this whole trip.

Spa day, with only the women. The guys would be left to their cabins, or perhaps, if they planned something for themselves as well, then they can freely roam. It was the perfect day to unwind after multiple mishaps on the beach, they can't just leave without feeling refreshed, after all, it was this exact purpose that they went here in the first place. To relax.

Besides, it was another activity to bond with. Irene was very much longing to have time with Catrina, after their talk, she grew as ever worried for the girl. Not to mention, she was told by her sister, Imee, that something had occured between Matthew and Catrina, and that they refused to say anything.

Irene grew a lot of speculations but she pushed them aside for the sake of spending time with the young girl. Irene missed her so much, and she hadn't realized until they were on this beach trip.

The ladies were all gathered up in the lobby of the spa. Their noses were instantly filled with the scents of eucalyptus, lavender, a hint of mint, and lemon as it wafted through the air. Liza and Imee took it upon themselves to inquire with the spa activities while Irene accompanied Amaris and Catrina on the couch lobby.

The three were quiet, with the exceptions of Irene gradually checking in on her own daughter. Catrina was left alone to the side, zoning out once in a while before she was pulled back to reality when Irene touched her shoulder.

"You okay?" Catrina felt her palm gently rubbed her blades as the woman gave the young girl a reserved smile. Catrina only replied with a nod and avoided her gaze. Irene frowned at that.

"Right! We are all set," Imee suddenly emerged in front of them, with Liza trailing behind. "First on the list, mani-pedis!"

Amaris cracked a grin before she stood and followed her aunts. Irene waited for Catrina, the young girl being a lot more awkward than she was used to with the older woman. They followed the group and picked which chairs to sit.

Catrina opted for the farthest, but Irene was a lot quicker and pulled her to sit beside her. The young girl had no choice but to stay, too afraid to disappoint Irene.

Amaris seemed to notice and her mood suddenly changed. "Mommy, I wanna sit beside you!"

Irene shifted her gaze to where her daughter was. She slightly gave a frown and sighed. "Why? What's wrong with the chair you're sitting on?"

"Nothing, I just wanna sit beside you." She whined. Liza and Imee both secretly nudged one another before Imee broke her silence. It was evident the woman was slightly annoyed, she tested the waters and seeing as how Catrina was acting, she needed to intervene.

"Oh, wala naman pala eh. Aris leave your mom alone for a day, give her a break! Ang sobrang clingy mo sa kaniya. . .she's not going anywhere naman." Imee delivered her remark as a joke, after all, jokes are always half-meant.

Her aunt's sentence slightly triggered Amaris, but she bit her tongue as to stop herself from saying something nasty. However, Irene's reaction was far more different than her daughter. She just shrugged it off and sent a lopsided grin towards her child.

So, as much as Amaris hated this. She had no other choice but to sit and be quiet. Casually sending glares to Catrina in hopes to leave a warning.

The nail technicians arrived no less than later and began working on them. They were provided with sleeping masks, so they can rest for a bit while the chair massages their back, and adding to the experience was two workers doing their manicures and pedicures.

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