43. phase two

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The week at the beach had come to an end. And the family was back to their own lives, in their very own homes.

That week's vacation brought something. . .magical between Catrina and Irene's relationship. After that night of moon gazing, Catrina never felt so secure, so understood, so loved. She never said it. She never physically opened her mouth to let the words out. She only made Irene feel.

The young girl made the woman feel how much yearning she kept all those years. She made her feel like how a mother should. Like all else was right in the world. But Catrina refused to take it up a notch. After all, Irene wasn't really her mother.

She was only there to make her feel like she has one.

Other than that, she was still a passerby.

As fast as the week of vacation went by, it was much the same with school. Catrina occupied herself with homework, projects, upcoming programs. Though she kept her promise as to not tire herself out.

Amaris noticed how much Irene and Catrina became close. Closer that is. Despite her efforts of ripping them apart. She was already in trouble enough, she doesn't want to get dragged even more.

Irene and Greggy became friends, to say the least. Their relationship began to mend, taking things as slow and as intricate like the one beforehand. For the sake of family, they push aside their pride and differences and began to act like how couples would on a regular. All in the name of family.

The guys very much appreciated having two girls within the family. They treated them equal, fair, and bonded with them just like how brothers would. Alfonso and Luis found out that they adored Catrina, just as much as the others did.

All these things in a span of one whole week.

It was rather different for Imelda, Imee, and Bongbong. Remembering the cabin conversation they had with the investigator, and if Imee counted the days correctly, the documents for the lead should be waiting for her in the email.

Anticipation could be seen in each of their faces. If the lead was somehow relevant, then. . .they were one step closer to finding out the truth. If this was merely a waste of time and effort or something that could turn the whole table around.

Whichever the results may be, the three hoped that it had an inkling as to where and who was really Amaris. It was safe to say that Liza and Imee already had suspicions for all this act. Irene remained oblivious.

Imelda chose to not include the boys in their discussions anymore. Too much mouths could lead to 'talk'. And besides, things were getting serious, and if anyone finds out they secretly held a search, Irene would be upset. And that woman was terrifying whenever she was upset.

But the thing they clung onto was the fact that the woman would understand.

After all, they were doing it all for love.

. . .

Coming home after hours of discussing bills with the whole Senate commitee, hours of solving economic problems, and long hours of sitting on a chair, getting back aches, was enough of a relief for Imee.

The woman closed the door behind her before flipping her hair in frustration. Stress wasn't leaving her system anytime soon, and she needs something to relieve it with. Tossing her bag to the side, she went to fetch her laptop and logged in.

Her memory was still fresh of what exactly she's planning on doing today. . .or rather, right now. Imee's fingers lightly glided across her keyboard, her index scrolling through multiple red tabs of email requests. But she was set on finding that special one.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now