47. liar

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"Doc, how is she?"

The man in a white cloak saw the distraught on each of the family member's faces. Though, this didn't faze the doctor. The hospital was no place for celebratory remarks, not unless a miracle happened.

The doctor adjusted his stethoscope, formerly taking it off as the family anticipated his every move. Their eyes. All of their eyes held so much hope. Nothing new, although it was quite a pinch through the gut.

"Stable. She's stable for now." They were assigned the same doctor for Catrina. And the man wouldn't forget the faces of these ladies, they were unforgettable. The doctor watched as one of them had their brows together.

"Ah, Ms. Marcos. . .I believe you still remember what I told you?"

Imee looked at her sister, then back again to the doctor. She knew of no such thing, whatever this was. And it made her pissy, how come she was left out of this conversation? She watched as Irene tried to recall his words; eyes cascading down matched with furrowed brows.

"Irene, what does he mean by that? What did he tell you that I don't know of?"

The youngest sister bit her lip. She was planning on telling Imee. But events happened and now she missed the chance to even mention it, or rather open up about the topic. Besides, it was a little too late for it now anyway.

Irene sighed. "Remember when Catrina fainted in school? And she was rushed to the hospital by her friend?" Imee nodded, recalling that moment very vividly before shuddering at how the events turned afterwards. "Well, Catrina is prone to headaches. And if not taken care of. . .something. . .something might happen to her."

"—and you're only telling this to me now? Pambihira naman, Celestina." Imee pinched the bridge of her nose. She needs coffee. That brewed cup of delight sounds good right about now. She exhaled, rubbing her temples to ease her stress. After all, she didn't want any wrinkles to invade. "Ugh, forget it. It's too late now, anyway."

The doctor gave a slight cough. He wasn't so sure about interrupting this sibling rivalry but the next things he'd say are quite important and they needed to know. Otherwise, they're only clinging to false hope.

The two women snapped their heads towards his direction. Both were intimidating to look at but, he was a professional, and it's his job to act like one. Though, one can say that these sisters were prime goddesses of making anyone cower under their stare.

"I'm afraid her condition is much more serious. The patient might be stable, but I cannot promise she won't go back to being healthy. The impact on her head was quite strong, and we haven't checked for possible head trauma. That is needed with consent." The doctor paused. Making sure they were going along through his words, making them digest each piece of it.

"Do whatever you will doc, we give full consent to whatever it is. Just please make sure she'll be alright. We are willing to pay whatever amount, kahit kasing taas pa 'yan ng bundok. Just do your best to bring her back home."

Irene practically pleaded. Imee hadn't seen this side of hers, and it certainly appalled her to witness first-hand. Her sister, poised and proper, was here in front of half their family and a doctor, showing just how much she cared for Catrina. It clenched Imee's heart knowing anytime soon, this side of Irene's would only worsen to the truth.

"Of course Ms. Marcos—"

"—it's Araneta. Mrs. Araneta. . ." She corrected. Saying that felt refreshing somehow. It's certainly takes time to get used to after so long of not using it but, she'll get by just fine. Irene could feel her husband's gaze against her skin, so she turned around. There she saw Greggy, giving her a polite smile.

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