37. level one

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"What was that?"

Her tone made Catrina turn around. Her gaze landed on Amaris. She was standing there; with absolute murder in her eyes. They were back at the porch of their private abode and well. . .just the two of them at least. The others were still at the beach, waiting for the bonfire to languish and die.

Apparently, Amaris followed Catrina back here. The young girl excused herself momentarily to go and get something, hence why Amaris volunteered to follow. And no matter what, she was ready to catch hands with her. Catrina could only sigh, she was not looking for trouble at all.

"What was 'what'?" Sagot ni Catrina. She just wants this to be over with so she could lie down and hopefully rest. Her tired eyes says it all.

"Huwag kang magmaang-maangan!" Amaris tramped over towards Catrina. "Diba I told you to stay away from my mom? Ganyan ka na ba talaga ka bobo for you to not understand a simple instruction?"

Napakunot ng noo si Catrina sa mga salita niya. "Hindi ko naman nilapitan ang mommy mo. Kung tutuusin siya mismo ang lumapit sa akin."

Amaris scoffed. Then slowly, she started to inch a lot closer to Catrina. "Edi sana lumayo ka! My god, ang dami mong rason!"

Their close proximity left Catrina to slowly back away as well. "Bakit ba ayaw na ayaw mo akong lumapit sa mommy mo? Ano ba ang kasalanan ko?"

Amaris tugged at her hair frustratingly. Her hands itch to drag this pauper away. "She's my mom! Doon ka sa sarili mong nanay!" Amaris yelled, before she stopped and realized. Her lips turned into a condescending smirk. "Oh wait. Wala ka pala n'yan."

Catrina stopped. Despite her frigid state, she looked into Amaris's eyes. "Akala mo ba aagawin ko ang mommy mo?" Catrina ignored her last statement, though it pained her to an extent.

Amaris rolled her eyes. "Don't you get it? You don't belong here. . .and you never will." She paused, putting every emphasis on her words. "Kaya kung ako sayo, umalis kana at 'wag kang bumalik dito."

Instead of replying, Catrina turned around. Too tired to argue with her and decided to be left alone for awhile. But her plans wouldn't be as easily achieved, for her hair was yanked by Amaris so she was facing her.


"Don't turn your back on me when I'm speaking to you!" Sigaw ni Amaris sa mismong tenga ni Catrina. Napa pikit ng mga mata si Catrina sa sakit na nararamdaman niya mula sa mahigpit na hawak ni Amaris sa buhok niya.

"—nasasaktan ako!" Catrina tried to pull away from her grasp, and ended up pushing her quite roughly. Amaris shrieked as she fell on the ground with a loud thud. Realizing this, Catrina's eyes went wide.

"Hey! What did you do?" As if on cue, Luis marched right over to where the two girls were standing and quickly helped Amaris back up to her feet. He then turned to look at Catrina, a scowl on his face. "What did you do sa kapatid ko ha?"

"Kuya she pushed me!" Amaris joined, glaring at Catrina who was standing rigid in front of them. She had a look of horror, and it didn't help that her fingers began to feel cold. She carefully stumbled back as Luis approached Catrina.

"H-hindi ko po sinasadya. . ."

"—anong hindi?! I saw you push my sister!" He raised his voice an octave higher, earning a flinch from the young girl. Luis couldn't hold in his rage seeing his sister on the floor, sand on some parts of her shirt, and looking quite riled up. At that very moment, he was fuming.

Catrina could only back away, vision getting blurry from the unshed tears she held in her eyes. Luis was starting to corner her by the wall and the look on his face was enough for Catrina to wish for the ground to swallow her whole.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now