41. red veil

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"Start talking." The woman was standing. Looking around the whole beach, not bothering to face her son. Her shades sat on the bridge of her nose with no trouble whatsoever, effectively blocking what remains of the sun in pecan colored forms.

"Come on, Matt. I don't have the whole day."

Imee gazed ahead to the group of her nephews and niece playing beach volleyball. Despite the sun scorching, the kids didn't seem to mind having a little tan to look forward to. Matthew was forced to stay by her side. After that little gamble with Catrina, the woman detected that something was kept a secret between the two, and whatever it was, she was to find out.

The mother and son were leaning by the palm trees that brought them enough shade. The other adults were beside them, a little far to where they stood but close enough so it wouldn't look suspicious.

"Ma, I can't" Matthew played with the nail on his thumb, hoping it would relieve him from the anxiety that started to crawl up against his neck.

"Why not? If it's really important you should tell me. Hindi ako nagbibiro, Matthew."

"I can't, I really can't mom. I promised Catrina to keep my mouth shut," He swallowed the lump that started to form. Recalling that conversation with the young girl was the last thing he'll ever do.

Imee scoffed. She was determined to know. Whatever this 'talk' they had, Imee made clear that she would know. But even her son, who's mouth can't keep a secret, was doing the thing he was terrible at. Keeping a secret.

"Catrina told me not to tell the others. . .kasi siya mismo ang magsasabi sa inyo. She's just waiting for the right time." He continued, eyes trailing over to the young girl who was enjoying with her other kuyas. She was laughing. Something Matthew was glad he saw; he couldn't bare see her cry.

"Fine. I'll wait." She deeply sighed. "But I'm telling you, Matt. If I found out something bad happened to her, I will see to it that the ones who hurt her won't see the light of day. Ever again." Her words held promise. It was terrifying seeing Imee casually utter the words of someone who never wished death upon others. But alas, she was a Marcos after all.

They kept quiet for some time. They went back to their seats, along with Irene and the others, and watched the children play and laugh. It was refreshing to see everyone smiling, having fun, not a wrinkle of worry seen on their foreheads. . .refreshing indeed.

Matthew in particular, couldn't take his eyes off of Catrina. Afraid that something would hurt her, someone would drag her away and do the wretched act again. He can't let that happen, he won't take chances. Of course, his mother, Imee, noticed his apprehension and she was beginning to grow impatient.

Imee's gaze shifted to Catrina. The girl acts as if nothing happened. She was good at that. Keeping her facial expressions at bay, so used to hiding what she truly feels until she forgets, and simply being a brick wall to them.

It's a miracle enough that she admitted to her father hurting her, but other than that. . .Imee and Irene felt like they were talking to an empty, hollow room.

Her smiles never quite reached her eyes. The last time they sparkled was at the soirée, many months ago. After that, Imee felt as though life was sucked out of her, and Catrina hid it so well.

. . .

"Heads up!" Borgy shouted, tossing the ball towards the other side of the net where Catrina was currently standing on. They had played a series of games before settling in on playing beach volleyball.

Their sweat glistened under the sun, and they were no doubt, tired.

Catrina in particular, felt her legs grow heavy and limp. But she pushed herself to stand, they were finally having fun and she won't ruin that with just feeling tired. She thought it would look pathetic.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now