39. that night

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It was the next morning. The sounds of waves gently crashing and the scent of sand was enough to make it feel as though you were waking up in heaven.

The Araneta's cabin was still quiet. Though, Irene was already awake despite it being too early in the morning. Her eyes roamed around the room; she saw Alfonso and Luis by the foldable couch, sleeping peacefully.

Then her gaze landed on two different single beds, and in them was Catrina and Amaris. Much to Amaris's dismay. . .Irene insisted that Catrina could occupy the other bed and let her sleep here for the rest of the trip.

And then slowly, the woman trailed her eyes to her own bed. Greggy was there, sleeping with his back against her. Irene had no choice but to obliged and share the same bed with him. . .it was the only way.

She sighed, and begrudgingly left her bed and went out to the balcony of the cabin. Instantly, the cold wind made her shiver. But she didn't mind as she patiently waited for the sun to rise.

It was quiet. Peaceful. With only the distant squalling of birds and the benign crash of waves that occupied her surroundings. From afar, she watched the water bob up and down against hull, swaying the boats from side to side.

Then she started to think.

She started to wonder how much has happened in a span of only a month or two. It felt surreal. . .she was happy. Wasn't she?

Everything she built for that moment had happened. She obtained her deepest desire, it was right in her arms, and yet. She, a mere woman. . .mother, was still searching for something she couldn't even begin to put to words.

Irene reflected the past couple weeks, wondering why no one seemed to notice. No one seemed to notice that she was happy. . .but she wasn't fine. Those two are evidently different in her vocabulary that defining them similar is a crime not worthy to commit.

Fine and happy are different. You can be fine, yet you are unhappy. In her case, she was happy and still, she had reasons not to be alright. But that's the problem. Why? Why can't she experience both? Something was missing, and she hated herself for not finding it anytime sooner.

Irene was too immersed in her own little world of wonders that the mere touch of his palm on her shoulder made her yip up. She turned around and came face to face with Greggy; features reserving concern.

"You okay? I brought you coffee. . ." He gestured towards his right hand, and indeed, a cup sat snuggled up in his fingers.

"Uh, yeah. I'm okay. Kanina ka pa gising?" Irene subtly fixed her glasses before facing towards the ocean yet again.

"A few minutes before you did, actually." He muttered, standing on the side quite awkwardly. "So. . .coffee? It's still hot."

Irene gazed down when he placed the cup in front of her. She frowned. "No, thank you. I don't drink. . .coffee."

Greggy went rigid. It has been so long that their routine started to gather in cobwebs and dust. There was a pause, before he continued. "Oh."

Irene avoided his eyes and tried to focus on the sun that started to show.

"I. . .forgot." She heard him mutter. That simple, short answer made her heave a brittle sigh. Has it really been that long? The air around them grew stiff. Irene was afraid to speak, thinking that it will only lead to another fight; like the one from the car.

"Sorry," She replied. Not exactly sure what she was apologizing for. Still, not a glimpse.

"No, no. . .it's okay. I should be the one saying that." He took the cup from where it sat, forgetting something that wrapped around his finger. "Iinomin ko na lang 'to." He was about to turn and leave when Irene quickly caught his arm.

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