36. let the game commence

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The very first night by the beach and the family decided to spend it on having a small gathering around a bonfire.

It took them hours to set up and actually settle in their hotel rooms before enjoying their time by the beach. It was all worth it though, as they dug their toes deeper in the velvety sand and watched the fire crackle and dance whilst the flame tried to lick upon the heavens above.

It gave off a warm glow, and all around it the Marcos family huddled; sticks gently shoving through the flames and watched their marshmallows melt.

Greggy, Irene, Amaris, and both her brothers; sat by each other. Like the family they were. Beside them was Imee and her own three sons, followed by Bonget and his family.

Catrina was forced to sit beside Mama Meldy, she didn't mind. She loves the company of the older woman, though. . .not when she was faced by Irene and Amaris cuddling closely to each other—that's where she got distracted and couldn't focus on whatever stories Imelda was spewing.

Her hand was on her chin, staring intently at how the fire danced; hoping it'd distract her with whatever was on her mind.

To somehow lift everyone's spirits up, despite it quite doing just that, Sandro suggested to play a little game. A game of twenty questions or some sort. The reason was for them to get to know each other a lot more than they already know. After all, this was the purpose of the trip. So they couldn't disagree.

"Wait why not spin the bottle? Look, tito Greggy and tito Bonget finished one bottle of beer already. We could use that." Michael inquired, pointing to the amber-colored bottle by both the uncle's feet.

"Oh, yeah! Good idea!" Vinny joined, much excited as everyone else was. The adults could only exchange glances, not knowing what exactly the kids were doing. They watched as Sandro quickly took the bottle and set on the ground, lying down, making sure it won't tip over accidentally.

"Right! Gather around everyone!" He exclaimed; fingers readily clutching the bottle whilst glancing back at everyone who followed his orders.

"Spin it!" Luis shouted, getting giddy with the game. It was mostly the nephews and Amaris who played. The adults just kept watch, and occasionally would join if the bottle did point at them.

Catrina and Imelda was by the corner, and quiet was the young girl. Of course, Imelda noticed. Even earlier when they've arrived, the girl wasn't feeling her self. It's as if the life was just sucked out of her. And to think about it deeply, she was feeling sick almost every week. Not your typical flu however, she's either passing out or too weak to even stand or in her many cases. . .eat.

"Why don't you join them, hija?" Imelda was just staring at her intently. The girl sent her a small smile and shook her head, to which she raised a brow.

"Dito lang po ako, mama Meldy. Hindi ko naman po alam kung paano 'yan lalaruin. . ." Despite her smiling, it quite never reached her eyes. The gleam in her eyes was dull. Imelda won't show it, but she was indeed getting worried.

"Are you sure? I'll just bore you with my stories." The older woman tried to persuade, and guesses were. . .that had been loud enough for Imee to turn her gaze towards them. The sister nudged her younger sister, hoping she'd get what her eyes were pointing to without saying anything.

"Yes po, at tsaka hindi naman po boring yung mga stories niyo." The same, plastered smile was on her face. Then, as quickly as she put them on, as quickly they disappear. Both Imee and Irene saw the exchange between their mother and the young girl. Even they, couldn't deny the fact that Catrina wasn't herself today. Perhaps it was the weather. . .though, they've been blaming that since last week when she went through the same thing.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now