28. freshly cracked

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"I'm a terrible mother," Her voice was barely a whisper, relentlessly dry and bleak in tone.

Imee sat from behind her sister, lightly brushing the strands of Irene's hair with the tips of her fingers. Weeping took the trait of vivacity out from the depths of her soul and replaced it with dread and undeniable sorrow.

Irene slumped lower on the bed until her head laid perfectly on her sister's lap. Her eyes squinted at the sudden bolt of light from the bulb before covering her face with her own hands. The woman felt humid and icky, even her cheeks were stained in red from all the crying she did.

"Don't say that," Imee sent a glare. "You are anything but that, Irene. Walang perpektong nanay sa mundo, but that doesn't make us terrible."

The room conformed in silence before Imee heard her sister's distant sigh. Imee knew that many things. . .many thoughts, that were running through her head, each one deliberately knocking her self-esteem down.

"What made you say that?" Imee softly asked. Gazing at her sister as if nothing else existed.


"Why are you guilty?"

Irene sat up and leaned her back on the headboard. Her face held many emotions, one of which made Imee frown.

"Because I could've done more."

For the first time in decades, Imee couldn't read her sister. She was always ahead of her own goals, Irene is a closed book with the exceptions of those she loves, read her. But for some reason, Imee couldn't decipher her thoughts at this very moment.

". . .what do you mean?"

"I could've done more, Manang." She began, "If I didn't slacked around. . .i-if I didn't stop the search. . .I could've found her myself."

"Irene, you've done enough. Sobra pa sa tingin mo."

The mother didn't reply and instead, sulked further on her bed, bringing her knees closer to her chest as she hugged them with remorse. This unknown guilt began to eat her up inside, slowly letting her collapse.

"This isn't about finding Amaris is it. . ." Imee muttered, flicking the quilts off before standing up as she faced her sister. "Dahil ba 'to kay Gregorio?"

Irene still didn't respond kaya napasapo na lang ng noo si Imee at nagbuntong-hininga. There's her answer. Imee didn't need to ask further, she knows now. She knows why her sister couldn't handle all of this. Her silence was loud enough to be recognized.

Imee finally found the reason for her moping. All those years of affliction came back to haunt her sister and it was just too much to handle. All for one until none at all.

"Never mind. . .that's enough." A gloom smile began to reach the corners of her mouth. "Wala ka na may makita n'yan." She teased, referring to Irene's puffed up eyes.

With a dry chuckle, Irene got out of bed and decided to fix the mess on her face. Crying always made her feel unclean, not to mention the fact that her nose is stuffed and she could feel her neck being damped from all the tears that cascaded there.

On the other hand, Imee patiently waited for her to finish. She was tidying the duvet and blankets on the bed, making it look somewhat decent for her sister before standing by the bedroom door.

Shuffling was heard from inside the bathroom and that was all there was to it.

It wasn't long before Irene emerged out of her bathroom, all freshened up and even had a small smile on her face.

"Let's go?" With a nod, they got out of her bedroom. Arms linked with each other as they slowly descended down the stairs.

Every step felt like heavy anchors dragging along the sea bed. It's as if one wrong stride and she would collapse, fall to her knees and can't rise no more. Her eyes roamed everywhere, from her nephews down to her sons, until her gaze landed on the young lady on the couch.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now