35. the resentment game

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Metaphorically speaking, she felt the stench of confrontation coming nearer and nearer. The sweat of pure unease trickled from her hair down to the nape of her neck. Catrina had never been put in this much spotlight.

"H-hindi noh. . .hindi ako nagtatampo." She kept shifting her eyes on the polished wooden table then back at everyone's piercing gaze. "Umupo lang ako dito kasi. . ." Her voice trailed; surely she could think of something. ". . .kasi m-maluwag. Opo, maluwag po dito."

A non-assuring smile decorated her lips, to which, everybody merely chuckled. They find her amusing to say the least. . .and by they, that excludes Amaris who was gripping her fork rather tight; her knuckles were turning white.

"Whatever you say, Kit-Cat." Borgy playfully rolled her eyes and drifted the topic elsewhere. "So, care to tell us how your day was?"

"Okay lang. . ."

The whole bunch exchanged glances. "That's it?" Even that alone, made Greggy raise his brows in confusion. Him and two of his sons hadn't really got the chance to properly look at the young girl nor held a conversation for even a minute. So, the man decided that now was the time for it all.

With innocent eyes, Catrina answered them wholeheartedly. "Opo, wala naman po talaga maynangyari na exciting."

All around, silence swallowed the table. These past few weeks, the family had conducted a 'minor' plan for both young girls. It had something to do with the dispute that happened last month. . .the birthday incident. Not only had they forgotten Catrina's day. . .it turns out, Amaris hadn't celebrated hers either. 

What made the family recount the many thoughts that ran through each of their heads was the moment they realized they both share the same birthdate. Imee's hesitation of calling it a miracle affected her brother as well, for something in their hearts told them that one was merely faux fate. 

Hence why a plan was formulated. "Well, that's going to change."

Both the young girl's heads turned towards Imelda. The woman was grinning from ear to ear, even then, she still radiated with opulence. Catrina looked around; each of their faces were plastered with wide smiles. Then her gaze landed on Amaris. . .she too, was as perplexed.

The nephews encouraged their grandmother to continue; their not so subtle whispers, echoed around making their mothers glare and point quite gravely for them to stop. It seems as though only Catrina and Amaris were deemed oblivious.


She turned. "Yes?"


She did the same. "Po?"

Imelda paused, staring amusingly before revealing something they've kept as a surprise. "Pack your bags girls, we're going to Pagudpud!"

Amaris let out a shriek, earning a couple of chuckles from the table. "Oh my gosh, really?!"

"Yes, really. Kasama tayong lahat! Isn't that exciting?" Imee gleamed as she clasped her hands together. "We planned this a few weeks ago pa, for the both of you. We wanted to make bawi kasi sa inyong dalawa after that night. . ." She doesn't need any further clarification for they all knew what she meant.

"Oo nga," Liza continued, "Think of this as a double celebration. . ." She winked, before taking a sip from her glass of wine. 

"And," Irene inserted, eyes beaming with much excitement. "—we're leaving tomorrow morning, kaya dapat we should sleep early tonight to avoid eyebags."

Whilst the others basked in Amaris's excitement. . .everyone failed to notice Catrina's suppressed speech. She has a list of things she dislikes; that includes someone spending things on and for her. Maybe it's just how she was raised, but someone getting out of their way to do something special for her, always gives her a funny feeling.

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