49. calm before the storm

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing could've prepared them for the words that left the girl's mouth. The silence that followed was enough to break Lexi's ears with embarrassment and guilt.

She faced all of them, terrified under her garments. Luis had never been more still and serious. He defended the wrong, and now he was facing the mistake they all made. She wasn't family.

". . .what." The held back scowl Imee tried to hide was useless. Her eyes glowed red and gave it away. She was seeing a fraud. A fake. A stranger. If they were taught to be good to others, treat them kind and never spit back. . .well, that all went away the minute Imee learned the truth and nothing but it.

Her reply wasn't a question, it was more of a statement that held venom like her tongue was on fire. She couldn't help her temper getting hotter. . .and hotter. "That man. . .that man who assaulted Catrina and me? Tito mo 'yon?"

They could see how Lexi hesitated. She drawled in a long, shaky breath before nodding in return.

The senator's eyes darkened. She hadn't forgiven that bastard of what he did to the child. She had long passed forgotten to talk to Catrina about him, about filing a case. But now? She had enough proof to send him straight to hell. "Bagay na bagay nga. Magkapamilya nga kayo. You're both liars, ahas sa bahay at sa buhay namin."

Imelda held a warning grip on her daughter's shoulder. She was starting to forget that she was talking to a mere minor. All while Irene watched from the corner. The mother never left Catrina's side as she tightly gripped Catrina's lifeless hand. Irene had always been the observer. Kept quiet and hoarded her thoughts to herself in most times.

That's what she does best. And all this commotion left her questions still un-answered. If anything, it left her even more confused. Glancing at her husband, Greggy had the same expression she had whilst watching her older sibling reprimand the girl. The look of complete and utter perplexity.

As much as Irene tried to puzzle the pieces in place, connect the dots. . .she was left empty-handed once more. So she spoke up. After all, the matter of her daughter is much more important than the matter of a stranger and they're not-so credible statement.

She's a mother now. A real one. And she had every right to speak out on this diabolical conversation. The exact conversation that ruined her chances of embracing the sadness she caged. Her gaze was locked on Greggy. Like a huntress in the field of her prey.

She blocked out the arguement that was happening with her mother, sister, and the girl. Unlike the rest, they remained seated in their own chairs while the others frolicked and circled around the ruckus.

Irene might've underestimated the fight to dim down and only focus on Lexi. But her sister had other plans. Imee immediately sashayed her way towards the man who, after all this time, stay cleared away from trouble; leaving Lexi to eat her dust of disregard.

Imelda was left to handle the girl, while the rest followed with piqued interest. Irene was about to converse with her own husband, but her older sister raced her to it.

"Gregorio." Her tone was thunderous. The piercing stare, the curled lip, and the raised brows; completed the look of the senator. Imee's face screamed murder, and she was ready to cut throats if it meant justice being served.

"—you better have a goddamn good explanation kung paano napunta yung bata sayo, because if not. . ." She tartly chuckled. "Then so help me god at hindi ko 'yan masapak ang pagmumukha mo." Rougher than she intended it to be, the message was clear.

The father felt all eyes on him. He was usually in the shadows, always lurking, hunching with the crowd. Greggy was never in view with everyone. But he was now. And he didn't like it one bit.

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