34. inflamed

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Dusting a portion of her seat, the woman locked gazes with him. A nanosecond of eye contact and yet, it was enough for her to look away and remain unblinking. Irene pulled herself in and firmly closed her car door. The weather began to darken outside as clouds swirled with vast thunders, lightning branching out to every part of the heavens above. 

Greggy, however, remained stoic behind the wheel. His only goal was to get home, without starting an argument with his wife. But every time they are together, it seems as though that, that was impossible. Greggy offered a lift for Irene since they were heading the same way anyway. . .it was home. Besides, they got off work at the same time so he might as well just hit two birds with one stone.

Glancing down on her wrist, Irene watched the arms of her watch turn and tick. Those told her exactly what she should be doing. "Sunduin muna natin si Catrina. It's her dismissal na, eh." She watched the road ahead, before flickering her gaze onto Greggy; he simply nodded. Not much of an exchange happened, well, not that they were aware of.

Irene felt the vehicle trudge. They passed familiar roads, the rain fogging most of the street signs. They passed buildings they've seen everyday; watched people hastily fish out their umbrellas as the storm poured, all this through the mist covered windows. 

The air was still between them. Only the soft pitter-patter of rain filled the silence amidst the two. Not until a rough, puny scoff sliced its way from the hushed ambience. 

"So. . .uh," It was Greggy. He kept his eyes on the road, occasionally giving furtive glances at Irene before spewing words that could possible turn this whole car ride into something bleak. "What. . .what exactly are we doing here? I'm confused, 'Rene."

"About what? What are you talking about?" A dry, humorless chuckle escaped her lips. "You're the one who's confusing me here. . ."

A long pause before he could even answer. The wheel gave a click as Greggy turned a corner before sighing. He seemed tense. His shoulders gave it away, and Irene noticed. "You know," He hesitated. His index finger wearily wagged between him and her. Irene followed until she was struck with realization that he was in fact, referring to the both of them. ". . .this. Us. Tayo. . .me and you."

Her face fell. Brows creased in such a stern way that Greggy thought this might lead into another outburst. He should've just kept quiet when he had the time. . .but his heart wants to speak. It wants to clear things so it could heal.


Sorrow quickly overpowered what was left of his will. His arms felt like giving up right then and there; he felt drained. If it was possible, his knees buckled despite it stepping on the pedal quite firmly. The mere remark echoed farther and farther in his mind, casting dark shadows until it built itself a fort of his very own nightmares. 

"Wala?" His tone came out brittle, "What do you mean? That's it?"

She turned and faced him. "Wala. As in nothing." Crisp did it came out from her mouth, "—ano pa ba ang gusto mong sabihin ko?" She probed of the many possibilities that this conversation would lead to. 

"That you love me."

She avoided his gaze. That cracked an ache she concealed so long ago. If she buried it deep enough she shouldn't feel it coming back. But it was. It was coming back. Stronger than ever. Her lips trembled, though she was stubborn enough to bite it down; refusing to shed those ridiculous tears.

"So what was that then? The smiles, the casual greetings with Amaris? What was that Irene?"

"—don't you get it? It was all an act, Gregorio! That wasn't real!"

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