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Imee and Liza made the young girl sit down. She had a hard time catching her breath and in no given moment; might even pass out. Conveniently enough, there was a bench nearby and the adults brought it to themselves to take her there.

Catrina was still sobbing. Her whole body shook as she tried to suppress the weep that left her mouth. Alongside the heavy wind coming from the sea across shore, she was indeed shivering.

Liza whispered something in Bongbong's ear to which he immediately obliged and went to fetch it. The two women quietly watched Catrina, feeling absolutely clueless as to how they'd make her feel calm and, well. . .better.

"Catrina, come on hija. Speak up, we want to know what happened. Bakit ka umiiyak?" Imee gently caressed the child's back, holding her in a hugging manner as Catrina bawled her eyes out. Imee exchanged glances with Liza when the young girl said absolutely nothing at all. It's as if they were back to that night.

It was hard for her to spill it out. Hard for her to speak out. Because in reality, Catrina wasn't given any chances to stand up for herself, she doesn't even know what it means. Her childhood consisted of her keeping quiet and obeying orders from her father.

So, you can very well imagine how hard it is for her to trust people. Even if they were kind. In her head, it is only a matter of time before they turn their backs and leave.

Catrina never expected. All her life, her expectations remained low. It was easier that way. She'd move on quite easily without ever needing to take a moment.

And as she was silently crying on her tita Imee's shoulder. . .she remembered what happened earlier. Before the fight. She remembered how her and Irene talked. That conversation sparked something deep within her.

In a way, she somewhat promised to never hide anything from them. To never keep things to herself, because people around her are willing to help. She now feels guilty.

Bongbong came back with a bottle of water in hand. He swiftly gave it to his wife, who opened it without wasting a second and gave it to Catrina. The poor thing must be parched from all the crying she did tonight.

"Cat. . .uminom ka muna," Liza took the bottle's nozzle on the child's lips. "I know you're thirsty from all that crying."

Walang lumabas na salita galing kay Catrina. She gratefully took the bottle from Liza and consumed it through large gulps. As if by incredible magic, her rather pale complexion was replaced with color once more.

Catrina stopped crying. The only thing you could hear from her was the slight hiccups she let out. Still, Imee had her in her arms. The woman lightly wiped the dry tears from the child's cheeks with her very own thumb, making sure that Catrina knew it waa a safe space for her.

"Ano ang nangyari, Cat? We need to know, darling." Liza tucked a stray strand of hair away from the young girl's face, giving her a small frown. "Huwag kang matakot, hija. We're just here to talk, hindi ka namin sasaktan."

"That's right." Bongbong added. "This is a safe space."

Catrina hovered over to sit, breaking from Imee's embrace to face all three of them. She looked at them, each in the eye, and wondered how fortunate she was to have these people in her life.

Imee noticed how Catrina seemed to zone out, in her thoughts once again. "Hindi kami galit. . .if that's what you're thinking."

Napatingin sa kaniya si Catrina. Her brows were furrowed, she was confused. "Pero. . .tinulak ko siya?"

Liza clicked her tongue. "Do you really think we believe that?" Her tone was rough and caustic, something hidden between the lines she just said. Even Imee and Bongbong gave her a confused look.

My Little Moon - 𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗌Where stories live. Discover now