Chapter 1

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"Toya..? Where are you going?" You ask in confusion. "I'm going to train. Don't worry y/n I'll come back." He hugs you and leaves. The image of him becomes blurry "Don't leave me!" You try to run to him but he's too far ahead. Everything goes black.

You sit up in bed to hear the loud yelling of your father. "GET ME A BEER" he hisses loudly. "Yeah yeah I'm coming." Asshole I don't get any sleep 'cause of you. You walk over to the drunk man and pass him yet another beer. "Now bugger off." You roll your eyes and walk back into your bedroom. You sigh and sit down on a chair on the balcony. You pull out your sketch book, slowly drawing the sunrise between the buildings. "Ugh. I can't do one fuckin' thing right" you screw the paper up and throw it over the balcony.

————-Time skip————

You huff and stand up and look at your drawings. Your drawings include A bird. Some flowers.  You look down at your phone 22:34 Jesus. Yet another day wasted. Suddenly, you hear some noise coming from the alley from under your balcony. It's probably a rat or somin'. I'll just check it out to be sure... you put a hoodie on and teleport down to the noise. "Uhh... hello?" I sound like a fucking American girl from a horror movie like anyone will answer (author note - I do not mean all white American girls are like that but in bad horror movies they all ask hello like the villian will answer) . You feel a pair of eyes stab your back. "I know you're there." You strain your eyes to look into the shadows. "Pretty drawing. It's yours right?" The figure came from the shadows holding your drawing. He is a tall figure maybe 2 or 3 years older then you, the man has large purple what you would call scars all over him. Large staples sit on the ends of his scars. You stare into his beautiful blue eyes. "Take a photo it lasts longer." He smirks and you snap out of your zoning out. You shake your head and look at your drawing that he's holding. "Y-yeah that's my drawing. I didn't like it I just threw it out.. why?" You accidentally stutter in surprise. "Hm I like it. I wouldn't call this garbage." He looks at the drawing then at you. "You can keep it if you want." You shrug. "Y/N GET ME A BEER GOD DAM IT!" you look up to the balcony and huff "yeah that's my asshole dad I better get going..." you teleport back up to your balcony "see you around doll face." You once plain face had gone pink and you run into the kitchen "where the hell where you brat I've been calling your name... why are you pink?" For a drunk person you are observant dad. "I've been on the balcony dad." You pass him a beer "whatever!" He shouts as you walk back to your room.

Doll face... why is that given me nostalgia? WAIT I AM PINK-
You shake off your face and put your face in your hands. That man.. I never caught his name. You cover yourself in your blanket and drift off.

(551 words. Also thank you for reading! I'll continue writing when I can!)

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