Chapter 4

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The next morning you wake up, you turn around and forget Dabi is in bed with you. He had is eyes open so obviously he was looking at you how long has he been staring at me..? "Hey beautiful~" you. Go. RED. "Shut up. What time is it?" You try to shake off his flirting. "Shit get up we are late." He jumps out of bed pulling a hoodie. "For what exactly..?" You sit up and scratch your head. "Just follow me."

You follow Dabi through the dark halls of the building coming into the room you first landed in. "Good morning Dabi and miss y/n." Kurogiri announced as he cleaned a glass. In the room sat a blond haired girl who looked your age, a man with blue hair and had a hand on his face, a man with a white mask, someone who was probably the real life deadpool and a... teenage mutant ninja turtle? "Oh... my.. god! Another girl finally!!" The blond hair girl jumped up and shrieked. "Who the hell is that Dabi? Some hook up or something?" The hand man spoke, once again you lit up pink. "No chapstick she is here to join." Dabi sighed. "I thought I told you not to call me that" the hand man spoke in a pissed off tone. "Fine crusty." Dabi chuckles. "Well she can't." You stay quiet, you didn't know how to respond. "No shiggy please let her stay!!" The blonde begged. "Give her a chance shigaraki, she might actually come of some use to you." Kurogiri reasoned with who you now knew was called Shigaraki. "You do realise I am right here. You speak as if I'm not here." You announce slightly annoyed. "Calm down. Tch, maybe start off with your name?" Shigaraki rolled his eyes at you. "Y/n. Y/n L/n." You cross your arms and stare at Shigaraki blankly. "What's your quirk y/n?" "Teleportation, I'm not sure of its limitations but I can use it for a fair amount of time and I can go anywhere but I have to focus on where." You shrug. "You could be of use I guess. Are you good at close combat?" "Well I used to train with a friend when I was younger but I haven't done it since he left." Dabi turned at you as if you'd just said the world will end. You look at him confused but look back at Shigaraki and took no notice. Everyone stared at Shigaraki. "I guess you can join." He sighs. "OMG! Y/N I'M TOGA!!" Toga screams. "Hehe hi" you were pretty glad it wasn't a dude fest, toga was your first female companion in a long time.

You end up hanging out with everyone learning that "deadpool" was Twice, "white mask face" was Mr Compress and "teenage mutant ninja turtle" was Spinner. It fell to night and you where all by the bar. "Would you like a drink miss y/n?" Kurogiri asked. "Sure but the only drinks I've ever had is probably water and coke so if you have either I'll have that." You chuckle "you've never had any other drinks but water and coke?! Have you been living under rock?!" Toga wailed. "Let's just say, I wasn't born into the richest of family's. Normally I was paying for things at home. Scratch that not paying, stealing."

——— Time skip ———

"Oh miss y/n, we have a room arrangement for you! Just follow me." Kurogiri escorted you to your room and toga followed. "Kurogiri what are you talking about this is my room?" Toga tilted her head to the side confused. "Don't worry miss Toga we aren't kicking you out your room" Kurogiri opened the door, you both poke your heads in the room to see two beds in the room. "Y/n we are roomies yay!" Toga cheered and ran into the room. "You two get a good nights sleep, especially you y/n." Kurogiri uttered. "Wait why?" You query. "'Cause you training with me tomorrow" Dabi said as he walked passed your room. "Oh god..."

———Next day———

Why cannot I not train with toga or Kurogiri?! Kurogiris quirk is wayyy more similar to mine then Dabi's. You fall to the ground and and lie there. Dabi stands over your weak body. "Get up you've still got 30 minutes of training left." Dabi smirks. "How can I get up when your standing over me?" You sigh and Dabi pulls you up. "Why are you the one training me?" You question him "cause Shigaraki told me to?". "You know Dabi, you really remind me of someone I knew when I was younger. You have the exact same quirk." Dabi looks on edge. "Ok did I ask?" He sounds irritated. I only know Dabi as Dabi... What's his real name? "What is your real name Dabi?" You ask cheekily. "Why do you honestly care?" Dabi now is pissed (ok that sentence is by my bestie burntchiken9801 go check her out!) "I just wanna know. Dabi is your villian name 'innit?" You questioned. He didn't respond and continued to make you train.

After training, you go back to your room and lie on your bed. Dabi you really are a mystery. "Hey bestie~!" Toga loudly announced. "Heyy.." you quietly respond. "What's wrong? Somethings up." Toga slid her to the side like a dog (idk dogs do that) "nothing I'm fine toga." You shy down. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH DON'T 'YA?" toga chokes up. "SHHHHH NO NO I DON'T!" you yelp, you cover togas mouth with your hand. "Ok ok let me guess who it is!?" She muffles from under you hand. "I don't have crush" you groan. Why would she assume that?! "O. M. G... It's Dabi isn't?!" She whispers. "Wha- no toga you've got the wrong idea!" I don't have a crush on Dabi-... do I? "Are you sure, cause it seems like you do~!" "Wait it does?" "AHAH! You just proved my point girl! You do like him" toga giggles and you gasp. "You keep that to yourself miss detective! It's just a small one ok?!" All of a sudden the door opens. "Why are you two girl fanning in here?" HOLY SHIT ITS DABI! "It's nun of yo bees waxs patch work" toga responded "don't call me that crazy." Dabi sighs. "right I'm going to my bedroom, bye crazy bye doll face." He smirks and leaves. "Ha you look like a cherry tomato Y/n." Toga sniggers. "Blush smush I'm going to sleep."

And with that you fall asleep.

You sat on the swing alone. "Hey are you lonely?" Asks a boy with white hair. "Y-yeah..." you shyly stutter. "I'm Toya. Wanna be friends?" He smiles "Yes please! I'm y/n." You grin.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* you groan, you hit your alarm making it shut up. How is it 5am already?

(1150 words! I gotta lot of help from my bestie for this so credit to her.)

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