Chapter 8

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Quick A/n: thank you all so much for 95 reads! I'm literally bursting for joy!! I hope you all are enjoying my story and feel free to leave comments! ADIOS and enjoy ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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Dᴀʙɪ's POV
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Y/n has been asleep for 3 days... everyday we are all getting worried. Even Shigaraki's starting to worry. We have considered taking her to a doctor, but obviously in the circumstances we can't. "Look she's getting worse by the day we need to get her professional help." I sigh. "Yeah but how? We are villains dabi!" Toga complains "hmm.. I have an idea. It's risky though." I sigh pulling out my phone. "If I can pull a few strings she can get some help." I step out of the room and look through my contacts.

Unknown ID
Toya? (Sent 15th December 2021)
Please unblock me can we just talk? (Sent 17th December 2021)
Please respond Toya. (Sent 2nd January 2022)
Please I'll do anything (sent 5th March 2022)
I'll do anything! Just talk to me please. (Send 10th March 2022)

Unblock this contact to text

You (dabi)
You said  you'd do anything I need a favour.

Unknown ID
Finally! Toya you responded!?

No shit and it's Dabi to you.

Unknown ID
Oh sorry.. so what was the favour?

Look meet me on the roof tops, you know where.

Unknown ID
Kay ttyl.

Yeah hurry up.

I turn off the phone and climb the long flight of stairs that lead up to the roof. I sit at the edge of the building. If this doesn't fix the problem I don't know what will.. I won't let you die y/n. Suddenly a voice interferes my thoughts "long time no see to-.. dabi." The voice speaks "look hawks. I met up with you for one reason and one reason only. My g... friend is dying. She was used as an experiment at some base. She hasn't waken up for 3 days. You're  gonna take her to the hospital say you saved her and wait with her. Got it?" I growl "and if you dare do anything to her I will hunt you down and choke you with my bear hands." I glare. Me and hawks, we have a.. past. We haven't spoken since this "past incident". "Right, Jesus no need to be on edge I'm not gonna hurt your lady friend." Hawks sighs "she is really close friend to me keigo. Don't fuck this up, I know your good at fucking up." I roll my eyes. "Should I go now or..." hawks asks nervously. "Stay here I'll get her."

Kurogiri teleported me to base (look I'm feeling lazy rn so go with it ok?), I took y/n and teleported back to the building.

I carry y/n's weak body in my arms and pass her to hawks. "Take care of her. Promise me keigo." I say sadly "I know I've fucked up our relationship, this favour will mend it. I'll take care of her Dabi. I swear on my life." Hawks was being honest and speedily flew away and I went back to base.

I'm trusting you kei... don't make me regret it...

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Y/ɴ's POV
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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