Chapter 2

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ - Abuse mention
You yawn and lean up. For once dad didn't wake me up... you get out of bed and pull on a hoodie, walking to your balcony you realise something was different today. You go to the kitchen seeing your dad asleep on the couch, you take a coke and silently shut your bedroom door behind you. You pick up the photo of mum god I wish you were here, I love you. You place the photo back down and grab a book. Although you didn't go to school you were pretty smart. If it wasn't for your mothers death, your life would have been like anyone else's, ever since the hero's let your family down your father had become an abusive alcoholic.

You pull out your sketch book once again. You couldn't shake the thought of that man so from your memory, you start sketching the man. His scars. His mesmerising eyes. It was all perfectly memorised in your head. After a few hours of work you teleport down to the alley and leave the drawing with a note, hopefully he would find it. The note read: hey it's y/n, the girl from last night, I drew you I hope you like it if you don't just throw it. You teleport back to your balcony and sit down listening to the sounds around you.

———Time skip cause I'm lazy 😗✌🏻———

Once again, night fell. You wait for the man to return, hoping to find more about him.
I haven't been this excited to see someone since I was like I dunno 8? I don't even know the guy. Maybe all these years have hit me I'm going crazy. Out of no where you hear his deep voice. "Y/n is this actually for me?" You laugh and jump of the balcony then teleport to him. "You like danger huh?" He chuckles. "Yeah but I hate most things in reality." You shrug. "Yeah I can understand that." He stares into your e/c eyes. "Oh yeah I never caught your name" you break the silence and announce. "You can call me Dabi" finally I can stop fan girling... hopefully -.- "Y/N GET HERE BEFORE I BEAT YOU." your dad is mad, really mad. "Shit." In the first time in a while you are scared. "Hey are you gonna be ok?" Dabi looks at you confused. "I'm probably gonna end up with a black eye" you teleport into to the kitchen.

Your heart starts to race "YOU WHERE WITH SOMEONE OUTSIDE I HEARD YOU!" your dad screams. "WHY DO YOU CARE DAD YOU NEVER SEEM TO CARE ALL YOU DO IS SIT ON THAT GOD DAM COUCH AND DRINK?!" You yell back. Your dad gets up and wobbly walks over to you. "Fuck you dad." He raises his hand to slap you in the face. "Touch her and I'll cremate you" your dad turns around and you open your eyes "you can't do Jack-shit kid get out my house Frankenstein." You stare at your dad in anger "y/n come here" dabi said seriously, a blue flame appears in his hand. Fire engulfs your dad, screams of pain echos in the house "grab the shit you need we need to get out of here."

(547 words, thank you for continuing my story! If you have any suggestions I'm open to hear them :D)

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