Chapter 11

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Ngl last chapter was a little but off track but that doesn't matter... anyway I am not well I'm on my lady month (If you understand, you understand) so I have a really bad headache and cramps but I'll persevere. Like my room is filled with empty water bottles cause I'm trying to get rid of my headache.
Anyway.. e n j o y ❤︎︎

It's 12:55am. You're in bed with dabi.

"How's the injections going?" Asks a muffled voice "there's been a malfunction. We don't know what it's done to hurt body but we don't think it's anything good." A another voice responds "what do you mean by 'malfunction' doc?" The voice was now slightly clearer and had a British tone to it. "I mean the fluids didn't reach the right place sir, it's most likely going to cause the wrong reaction!" The unknown voice reported "Dr. Bard. You're going to work out what the fuck you've done before I fire your ass right here and now." The man shouts "yes sir. Sorry sir." The now name Dr. Bard replies. "If you don't find out before the end of the week I'll kill you"

You sit up in bed and gasp. "Hm- y/n you ok..?" Dabi's sleepy voice asks. You breathing was now panicked and out of breath. "Baby is everything ok? Did you have a nightmare?" Dabi questions worriedly "I don't know what that was, a flash back or something?!" You start to shake "shh.. it's ok, it's ok I've got you.." dabi holds you to his chest. "I think it was a flash back from the testing lab?" You rub your face "do you wanna talk about?" Dabi softly asks "yeah.. there were two voices. One was a doctor I think he was called Dr. Brad and the other voice was British, so the guy who kidnapped me. It's not that I'm scared of them but they were talking about my injection has malfunctioned and the fluids had gone to the wrong nerve or something?" Dabi sat there stunned at all the information, trying to process it. "O-oh" he blinks a few times "so that was all a flash back.. not a nightmare?" He double checks "pretty sure that was real." You shrug "look let's discuss this with everyone later and think of a plan to work out what ever happened to you ok?" You nod and go back to sleep closely wrapped in Dabi's arms.

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⏭ Later that day ⏭
(Reminder they were up at 12:55)
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Everyone sat there stunned as you explained your flash back or 'dream' to them. "So you're telling you haven't got two quirks it's possible you've got 3?" Shigaraki raises "don't you dare go thinking I'm some advantage now." You warn him "just a thought.. shut up how'd you know." He rolls his eyes "I can read you like a book shiggy." You laugh "WAIT! Remember when you smashed that glass with your bare hands Y/n?" Toga remarks "Yea what about it?" You ask about its relevance "Could your new quirk super strength?" She points out "that could be a possibility!" You reply "but you never know, it could have gave me more then 3? Just thinking of other out comes." You think "fair" twice adds. "so you're telling me you broke glass with your bare hands?!" Mr Compress realises what toga had said "yeah. Long story." You grin "I'm pre warning you Y/n, with more quirks you're gonna need more training. Adding to the fact I'm planning a mission which we will be doing in a few months." Shigaraki was very serious. "Kill me now.." you groan "Shigaraki is right y/n, with the amount of power your gaining your gonna want to use it to its full potential." Kurogiri adds "god you sound like my dad when he cared about me" you whine "until he became a overweight drunk." Togs butts in "indeed toga. Indeed." You nod.

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⏭ Time skip ⏭
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You were training with multiple people to test your abilities. Sometimes with Shigaraki and others with Toga or Dabi. You had realised that you had gained all of your power from that 3 day nap, it had restored all of your energy and increased your stamina. You tumble to the ground after nearly being hit "that all you got little mouse?" Dabi chukles and pulls you up. You two carry on training until a point where you were fight, you found a free point to punch him and directly punched him in the stomach making him fly a few meter back "fuck-" he grabs his stomach and you realised what you had done "holy sh- baby are you ok?!" You run over to him "yeah I think I'm fine..think I'm gonna be sick though." He ends up throwing up "Dabi I'm so sorry I didn't realise I was capable of that!" You whimper "calm down doll I know it was an accident. Plus that was a pretty cool punch, no way could a hero not feel some pain one of those." He chuckles and whiles his face. "Com'n I think that enough trying for today." You help him to walk and take him to the bar. He sat on the couch while you sat on a stool. Toga walked into the bar "I though you two were training.. woah what happened to patchwork?" Toga's stunned face stared at him clutching his stomach "I accidentally gut punched him so hard he puked." Toga burst into laughter "I assume you do have super strength then!" She giggles "he it's not funny it fucking hurt." Dabi growls "calm down crispy it's just a joke" shigaraki walks in the room "since when did you ease drop or be able to take a joke crusty!" Dabi looks at him confused "i dunno." He shrugs "and stop calling me crusty, you are literally a real life zombie." Shigaraki sighs "and that's coming from the man who hasn't moisturised his face in 12 years." Dabi smirks "say what you like Frankenstein." Shigaraki laughs "will you two drop it already. Your bickering is irrelevant." You grin "no but seriously, do break it up" Kurogiri announces "fine fine whatever" dabi huffs.

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Sorry for making it short again, it's hard write with a headache.

Anyway comment and favourite

Tysm for all the reads

Baiii <3

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