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It's the end of the day, so I head to the Slytherin common room and push through the door, carrying my bag over my shoulder as I do so.

There aren't a lot of people in the warm, fire-lit space, but there are a few; some friends at a small table in the corner and a couple playing darts near one of the stone columns. I spot Draco seated on the long, leather couch, mindlessly flipping through a textbook without taking any actual notes.

I walk over and swing my bag over the back of the couch, causing him to turn his head at my arrival, before I round the corner and plop down next to him, sighing.

"Where've you been?" he asks, closing his book with one hand.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Around."

"Blaise and I studied a bit before I was wondering where you had run off to." He sinks into the couch more. "He totally has a thing for Padma Patil. Was staring at her the whole time across the library."

"Is that one of those twins?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.


"Don't blame him," I yawn. "They're both hot."

"Can't deny that," Draco agrees. "They're my women-crushes."

I laugh through my nose and he turns to me, both of us sunken on the couch together.

"Really, where'd you go?" he asks.

"I found the music center," I answer.

"Oh, yeah, yeah... Lupin had that put in," he says. "I think there's a new rock band in school. Student band."

My head perks up a bit and I look back at him. "Really?"

"Think so..." Draco scrunches his eyebrows in thought, "...I walked by one time and saw 'em in there, at least... I'd give anything to be able to play an instrument."

"You could if you tried," I point out.

"Yeah, I saw a few people in there messing around," he said. "You know, like- testing things out. I only recognized a couple of 'em... Seamus Finnigan was on the guitar, and... Ginny Weasley was on bass, yeah."

"Weasley?" I perk up again.

He looks at me. "You know her?"

"Uh," I shrug, "Angelina mentioned her. Her brother was there today."


"Fred," I say. "Weasley. He was there when I was."

"He was?" Draco asks. "Like... playing an instrument?"

"No," I reply. "He came in. I mean, he stood there. He watched me play the drums."

Draco bolts upright.

"You play the drums?"


"Why didn't you mention that you play the drums?" he snaps at me.

"Wh- well, I- I didn't think it was that big of a deal...?" I sort of laugh.

"Of course it's a big deal," he throws his hands up and collapses back onto the couch. "Playing the drums, is, like... all cool, and... punk-rock-y. I mean, you have to be good to play the drums."

"That's not necessarily true..."

"Fred Weasley watched you?" he asks next.

I swallow. "Yeah. For a bit. I didn't see him until he said something."

Draco's eyebrows raise a little.

"He said I was really good," I shrug, picking at a nail.

"Fred Weasley said you were really good?"

Untouchable: a Fred Weasley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now