Too Close for Discomfort

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It's been a while since the last party was hosted, so tonight should be fun.

This time around, it's the Gryffindors. Their first big shindig of the season- I'm excited to see the common room since I've never been back there with Angelina. We get to see her roots, I suppose.

Angelina, Draco, and I heard about the party in the courtyard when we were getting some air after class, wrapped in our House scarves and coats. Seamus was the one passing by with Dean, and after suggesting to me to give a new rock song he had recently discovered ("Say It Ain't So" by the American band Weezer... funny name), he mentioned the pre-planned party.

"How did I not know about this?" Angelina had said. "It's literally my House. No one tells me these things."

"Harry said he mentioned it at practice the other day," Seamus replied, brows knitted.

"Oh," Angelina said, picking at a nail, "then I guess I wasn't listening."

"Everyone's invited, yeah?" Draco asked.

"Totally," Dean answered. "Bring your a-game. A few upperclassmen in Ravenclaw are even supplying some drinks, so we have enough."

Angelina perked up. I grinned, pleased.

It's now around 2 o'clock, and I'm heading back from the Dining Hall when I hear a familiar voice call behind me.

"Hey, Jo! Wait up!"

I pause, turning to see George jogging up to my side, book bag slung over his shoulder. I smile in greeting.

"Good to see you, George," I say.

"You as well," he replies, falling into step beside me. "You goin' to the party tonight? It's going to be brilliant."

"Now that I actually have people who tolerate me, yeah, I guess I am," I say.

He chuckles, nudging my shoulder. "Sure... 'tolerate'. Come on, Joey, we love you. You've got a whole band- you're Fred and I's competition for coolest in school now."

I laugh a little, but Fred's name is a reminder of last night. I remember sitting against the wall of the music center, one side of my Walkman headphones pressed to one ear while the other was occupied by Fred's.

He was smiling– just a little, his eyes closed, head tilted back against the wall. I had one hand on his knee the whole time... it was nice. I think I just wanted to make him smile again. It was– kind of awful seeing Fred Weasley like that. When he came to the door. So I wanted to get the Fred Weasley I knew back.

I think I did. I remember him looking at me when we were listening to "I've Done Everything For You" on the Rick Springfield tape I got from Professor Lupin, and his eyes weren't so red anymore. They were just looking at me, and they had a little gleam, and then I smiled and patted his knee, resting my head on his shoulder. I felt his chin come on top of it, and it was nice, because he was back.

I haven't talked to him today since, but I suppose I'll see him tonight. "Is Fred coming tonight? Or, does he need some time to get back on his-"

I cut myself off, realizing George doesn't know that I know.

He glances at me. "Ah. You heard?"

I meet his eye, letting out a breath. "Yeah, I did. Last night."

"Oh." I see his eyebrows go up.

"What?" I ask.

He shifts the strap of his bookbag higher onto his shoulder. "I'm just surprised. He told me late last night when he came back to the room."

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