The Voice in Your Head

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Everything just got colder.

Fred pushes himself up, standing. He extends a hand for me and we both stare at the girls. Ella is smirking in between them, but something tells me her smirk has no amusement or pleasure in it whatsoever.

The two friends on her sides are different than the ones I encountered at the party next to her before break... the ones I may have embarrassed her in front of.


"Ella," Fred says cooly.

"Hi, Freddie," she coos. "I see you really did find yourself a new toy."

"Don't call her that."

"And a real interesting one, too..." she goes on, cocking her head at me– "something different, right?"

Her friends giggle. Fred's stare goes hard and I feel my cheeks flush in anger. I'm not embarrassed– she can't do that to me. She just pisses me the fuck off, that's all.

She pisses me off so much that my fists are clenching at my sides. That's when Wallace is on his feet, snorting and huffing, pushing forward toward Ella. I quickly reach out, holding an arm to block him from charging.

"What the hell?" Ella's friend on her right blurts, stepping back. "What are you doing out there with that thing, anyway?!"

"Are you trying to sic it on me, or something?" Ella gasps dramatically.

"She's not doing anything, Ella," Fred says, putting a hand on Wallace's neck. He exhales, calming down. "And don't call him 'it'."

"Fair enough..." Ella replies, smiling coyly– "I suppose you do have a thing for beasts."

"Watch your mouth," Fred growls. It's sudden.

"Oh, don't be so serious, Fred!" Ella sighs. "I'm only joking! I think you two are an adorable pair."

Her voice is sharper now. I cross my arms.

"If you want to talk to me, Walker," I say, "I'm standing right here."

I watch her eyes flick to me, that stupid smile melting off her face.

"Yes, you are," she replies. "I think everyone is aware of that. I bet you liked that attention your new prince charming initiated the other day, huh?"

"Let it go, Ella," Fred says. "Why are you doing this?"

Her innocent smile appears again. "Doing what?"

"This," he sighs with exasperation. "You're throwing a tantrum."

"A tantrum?" She scoffs. "You can't be serious."

"And you can?" He says. "Is your ego really that big?"

"Watch it, Fred," she seethes, face hardening. "Don't act like you don't remember who you were occupied with only a couple of months ago."

"I wish I could forget," he replies, calm but biting.

She grows even more disgusted. Fred continues, still collected as ever, but his gaze firm.

"Look, Ella," he says– "I never planned anything to spite you. I never wanted to. But if I'm acting bitter now, it's because you've done something very, very wrong."

She rolls her eyes. "Oh, yeah? Like what?"

He takes my hand, eyes locked on her.

"You brought her into it," he says.

My heart pounds as I look at Fred, then at Ella, who is unlocking her previously crossed arms and appearing peeved as ever, while her friends eye me like a piece of meat.

Untouchable: a Fred Weasley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now