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I mean, wow.

I'll give it to Dumbledore; if he was the one who waved his wand and made this Hall transform into what it is, he did one hell of a job.

It's dark, but colored lights are engulfing the room in a playful, warm glow, some switching every few seconds and some lighting up dark corners in green, red, purple, or blue. The stage where the first (apparently routine, dull school-hired) band is playing right now is pretty big; there's everything we need up there: a glimmering drumset, three mics at the front for Luna, Ginny, and Seamus, and a keyboard.

That looks like a new drum set. That must be a new kit. It's black and sparkling. Who could've initiated that?

My eyes flick to Lupin, who's been standing near the edge of the stage, bobbing his head a little and holding a cup of punch.

I smile to myself. It must've been him. He's doing so much for music here.

Seamus, Ginny, and Luna are grabbing their guitars and, for Ginny, bass, from a backroom. No way they're using that group's instruments... the trio calls their own their "lucky" ones.

There are two long tables along one of the side walls of the Hall that are offering cups, punch bowls, snacks, and plates. Many groups are hanging by there, idly sipping at their drinks, absent-mindedly bobbing their heads to the steady music, maybe, but... not a lot of dancing.

That's one of the first things I notice when I walk in. There are kids on the dance floor, but they're not exactly... utilizing it. Do they not like the music that much?

"The Hall looks great, but..." I comment over the loud music to Draco at my side, "...I expected people to be, uh... moving more. You know. Dancing?"

"Well, people don't usually start getting into it until when it gets later..." Draco replies, "...even then, it's not all that crazy... but I bet you anything your group is gonna shake things up."

That comment makes my stomach turn, yet again.


Draco jerks around at the sudden voice with a blurted, "gah!"

Harry laughs, removing his hands from his boyfriend's shoulders. "Got you already. Happy Halloween... you look adorable."

"That's what I said!" I laugh while Harry scans his eyes over Draco's outfit, grinning.

He's sporting a matching paper boy costume, and it's excruciatingly cute, and it may possibly make me a little jealous, but not really, because I don't need to be in a couples costume.

"You owe me," Draco rolls his eyes while Harry smacks a kiss on his cheek. "I can't believe I'm wearing a messenger bag to a dance."

"Come on, it's fun!" Harry laughs, shaking his own matching, patchy satchel enthusiastically. "You're telling me you don't like this costume?"

Draco looks at Harry, flicks his eyes across the boy's adorable cap, plaid button-down, open vest and socks, and can't hide a strained smile.

"See?" Harry points at his face. "I knew you'd like it."

"Piss off," Draco blushes.

"I personally think it's rather charming," emerges Angelina's voice from behind me, and we turn to include her in the group. She's grinning at Draco as if to say, I love how miserable you are in those clothes.

I look at her appearance for the evening. She's dressed in a white collared shirt with a tucked black tie, all underneath a deep brown vest with a black open blazer over it. Her long legs are covered in a long plaid skirt and she's wearing a pair of brown laced strap heels.

Untouchable: a Fred Weasley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now