Just Maybe

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Fred pushes the door shut behind us and I look around, taking in the dark surroundings of the boys' dorm I now see before me.

"Hm," I say into the quiet air. The noise of the party across the floor is now muffled, and I only hear my own voice along with Fred stepping alongside me. "Not too bad. I'm impressed it's stayed this clean since the last time I was in here."

"Ah," he says, "let's not talk about that."

I grin, turning to tease him: "what, you mean, drunk Fred Weasley? Tucking you in? Kissing you goodnight?"

"I wish I had gotten a goodnight kiss," he mumbles, and I laugh.

"Is no one really gonna come in here?" I ask as he steps closer. "It'll be so awkward if they do. I don't want to talk to anyone else."

It's true. I'd rather just be here, with him. I could care less about some party- if Fred's here, that's kind of all I want.

Fuck. That's cheesy. Whatever.

He lifts a hand, cupping my jaw. "Positive. No awkward small talk will be necessary tonight. They're all busy at the party- this room will be deserted till much later."

I smile back at him while he leans in, softly pressing his lips to mine. My smile opens against his. His hand gently holds my face and the other comes to my hip, and then his mouth is shifting to kiss my jaw, then my neck.

I flick my eyes around the dark, empty room. "We should take advantage of this. Can we slip a rat into Lee's chest of drawers? Or hex everyone's pillows?"

He chuckles against my skin, pulling me closer. "You're so cool."

My eyes flutter shut when his lips reach a particularly sensitive spot just under my ear, and I sigh unsteadily.

My head tilts back. "Or... maybe something else... we don't— have to do that right now..."

"No," he protests between hot kisses and slips his hand around my neck, "keep talking. The ideas make me proud."

"Of what?"

He kisses up to my ear, his voice low and steady. "Of my girlfriend."

I weakly smile— I can barely think straight enough to respond. "I can't keep talking."

"Mm? Why?"

"I can't focus." Fuck. His mouth.

"Why can't you?"

He knows what he's asking because his fingers are in my hair and they're pulling so he can get more access to my neck. Damn him.

"Which one's your bed again?" I hear myself ask. It's a breathy request.

"You wanna check if it's still clean?"

"I wanna do this more horizontally."

His lips pause on my neck, then let out a little breath, then kiss under my ear again one more time. "That's a far better idea."

I blush and try to calm the butterflies in my stomach down, but that's never an option with this bloke. He moves back and takes both my hands, that smile focused right on me as he pulls me back to the second bed to the right.

To my surprise, it's fairly made up, and I nearly compliment it on him but I'm more focused on how he's twisting me around to sit me down on the bed, leaning in to kiss me (very deeply this time) and then backing away to stand over me.

His right hand comes to my jaw as he gazes at me, tilting his head a little as if taking in the features of my face.

"What?" I ask, half-giggling it.

Untouchable: a Fred Weasley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now