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It's extremely difficult not to at least touch Fred a little on the way up the stairs to the Gryffindor tower.

Hold his hand. Kiss him. Okay, yeah, that's not ideal, but damnit, I want to be kissing him right now, even when we just were, and we certainly, most definitely will be doing it some more in a minute or so, but when you're this into someone, you can't wait for that minute.

We pass by a few students. We're walking quietly. Fred is smiling. I am fighting my own smile to not make it look obvious.

"This is the third time you will have come to my room," he says as we near the portrait.

My voice is small as I'm trying to control the butterflies. "I know."

"But I promise I'm sober," he adds.

I fight a laugh. Then, I ask a lingering question.

"Will anyone be there?"

"No," he answers. "I will kick them out."

More butterflies. Jesus Christ.

"I don't want you to have to-"

"No one will be there," he assures me, then looks up at the Lady's Portrait. "Mimbulus mimbletonia."

The lady smiles and swings open, allowing us to enter.

As we step in, I ask, "why didn't she question my entering the Gryffindor tower?"

"I think she likes you," he says, taking my hand. "She knows me very well. And she's seen... some things between us."

My mind flickers back to the memories of me coming to the Gryffindor parties... Fred chasing after me outside the second one... and has he- talked about me?

Another smile cracks my lips.

He leads me up the stairs, and no one except for a few underclassmen is in the common room. When we reach the top of the steps, right outside his dorm room door, he pushes me against it with a kiss.

"Now," he whispers against my lips, "where were we?"

I fight a giggle, breaking my mouth from his. "We're not even- inside yet..."

"So?" his mouth twists into a small smirk as he reaches behind me and pushes the door open, "I've never been one for patience."

We're in the room now, and I turn around with him right behind me. I hear the door shut and soon feel two toned arms slip around my waist and a head dip into my neck.

My breath hitches when his lips lock with my skin.

"Do you know that I wanted to kiss you?" His teeth graze there.

I close my eyes. "When?"

"The last time you were here," he mutters. A kiss to my jaw. "When I felt and looked like dog shit."

I grin. "You didn't look like dog shit."


I twist around in his arms, facing him. "You were shirtless."

He grimaces. "Right. That was embarrassing."

I smile. "Not for me."

He laughs. "I see."

He leans in, connecting our mouths. I slide my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and feel him deepen the kiss. When my fingers travel to his hair he sighs.

"I want to lie you down," he breathes.


I answer by pulling him to me, causing us to shuffle backward, and he smiles, our foreheads nearly touching.

Untouchable: a Fred Weasley fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now