Brace for Impact

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"Cheers, Harry. You're the best."

I've just taken five mixtapes from Harry's hands into mine in the music center, us having met to secretly exchange the cassettes without anyone snooping in on our business, of course. It's our lunch period right now, and despite the fact that we do have a band rehearsal today after classes as per usual, I'm still going to sneak the tapes to the group before then for maximum memorization time. Every second counts.

"All 20 songs are on there," Harry says, vaguely motioning to the bundle of tapes in my hands. "It was a bit tricky getting them worked out in secret behind my bed curtains last night, but I managed to get away with it."

I'm smiling out of amusement until I look up at him and cock an eyebrow. "All... twenty?"

He glances up from the tapes to me. "Yeah, well... Ginny mentioned to me at dinner the other day that you guys were playing with the idea of... you soloing a slow jam at the dance. So, I put it on there, because, well... I like the idea."

I gulp and shove the tapes in my bags while replying with, "oh, well, we were just talking about it at yesterday's rehearsal, but... I don't think I'll do it."

"Why not?" he asks plainly.

Because I have crippling anxiety, and the drum kit I sit behind is like my safety curtain? "I just... I don't know if I could handle it."

"Of course you could," he shrugs, despite having never heard me sing before. "You can handle anything, Jo. Just have to take the leap sometimes, you know?"

I weakly smile in appreciation, but my heart is pounding a million beats per minute at the mere thought of singing a solo, slow song in front of fourth years and up.

"Well, thanks again for the tapes," I change the subject. "You're our hero. We'll have to dedicate a song to you."

Harry laughs. "Not necessary. It was no big deal. Besides, gives me an excuse to use my muggle stuff for something important."

"Well, well, well." I hear a far-too-familiar voice behind me and turn to see Draco standing in the doorway, crossing his arms. "I see more secretive-music-exchanges have occurred?"

"And I see that you are likely here to snog your boyfriend?" I retort, adjusting my book bag over my shoulder.

"Perhaps," Draco shrugs, strolling in. "Maybe I'm just here to dapple in the art of... bass... playing."

He glances at the instrument as if it's a foreign object. I scoff and shake my head as he moves to stand beside Harry, who's smiling at the sight of his arrival. I glance between them before leaving.

"Don't tell me this is where you two meet up," I say.

Draco shrugs again. "From time to time, we may use the quiet, secluded space of the music center for our leisure time."

I groan. "Please don't make out near my kit."

"I can't predict where the wind will take us," Draco replies.

"Draco!" Harry hisses in disgust.

"Anyways," I give in to a small laugh, "I'm off. I've gotta get these tapes to the rest of the group."

"I really can't wait to hear you guys at the dance," Harry smiles at me.

"Thanks, Potter," I reply. "So, I suppose you two are going... as a thing?"

Now it's Draco's turn to groan. "Don't say thing."

"You better dress up, Draco," I tease. "You have expectations now. A date."

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