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*Clara's POV*

As I walk down the street and see the familiar sign, I feel a sense of Joy. It's been a while since I was with my family. I have been gone for the past 4 years doing my studies. I have now graduated from Oxford, and it was finally time to see my family again. Well, you could say actually stay with my family again. I did have times where I would visit them every now in then, but due to school, I had to focus more on studying.

I knock at the door, and the door opens to reveal my father. "Clara! What a wonderful surprise!" He said as he greets me with a big hug.

"Hello, father. It feels so good to be back home" I say

"Well come in dear! You came in just in time. Olivia will be happy to see you."

So a little back story my name is Clara Flaversham, and I am the big sister of Olivia Flaversham.  I and her have been close and I was the only one who can step in and be her mother figure. Our mother died during childbirth while she was giving birth to Olivia. When I tell you that was the worst day of my life, it was the worst day of my life. It was hard for me and my father to take care of Olivia on our own. Losing my mother is something I will never forget. Despite my mother's passing being tragic for me, I was still overjoyed to have a little sister to protect. Olivia means so much to me, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I am all she has that is close to a mother figure.

As I set my present down on the table I was greeted by the sweetest little sister. "CLARA! YOU'RE BACK!" she squeals and comes to give me the biggest hug ever.

I giggle and say "Oh how I missed you, Olivia."

"I missed you too, but at least you are here for my birthday. It would be nothing without you." She said with the biggest smile.

I smile back, and I could've sworn I shed a tear. My father laughs in delight. "You know, this is my very best birthday!" she exclaims

"Ahhh but we haven't given you your presents yet." My father states.

"What is it!? What is it!?" Olivia asked with excitement.

I chuckle and hand her my gift which is wrapped in pink with a white bow. She opens it with a bright smile on her face and pulls out a silver necklace shaped like a heart. "Oh Clara, this is so beautiful! Thank you!" she said

"You haven't seen the best part yet dear sister." I giggle

She looks at me confused, but then she sees that it's a locket. She opens it, and it shows a picture of her mother. Olivia gasps and looks up at me with a bigger smile on her face. "Is this our mother!" she asks. I nod

"Since you never got to see her, I gave you this locket so you can sorta be with her," I stated.

"I don't know what to say! Thank you so much," she said as she gives me a big hug

My father smiles and whips a tear on his face. He clears his throat and says "now I believe it is my turn. Close your eyes, Olivia."

While looking through the cupboards my sister tries to peek. I giggle and wag my finger "no, no, no he said no peeking." She responds with a giggle.

Father walks over and places her present on the table. It was a pretty pink little rosebud that appears to be a wind-up toy. He starts to wind up and the rosebud transforms into a mouse ballerina, that plays a gentle toon.

Olivia soon opens her eyes and smiles "Oh Daddy, you made this just for me?" she asks and he nods.

As the doll finishes her dance, Olivia comes up and hugs our father "You're the most wonderful father, and sister in the whole world" she says. I smile with tears in my eyes and join in on the hug.

Our sweet family moment was cut short when the door nob begins to rattle. All three of us stare at it, scared. "What's that!?" I and Olivia asked fearfully.

"I don't know! Quickly dears, stay in here and don't come out" he said as he puts me and my sister in a cupboard.

I hold Olivia close as she starts to shake. I peek through and see that father is fighting with a bat that had a pegged leg. 'Who is this bat I thought?' I thought. All of a sudden the door flies towards the cupboard, locking us in. "Now I gotcha toymaker!" the bat said with an evil laugh.

The last thing I heard from my father right then and there was "oh! Olivia! Clara!"

I and Olivia managed to break through the door. As we get out, our father was nowhere in sight. He was gone.

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