Author's note

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Hi everyone! I just wanna say I apologize for my absence. I just randomly put this story off because you know ✨f o r g e t f u l n e s s✨ and I have been working on other projects. I'm currently working on a fanfic from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and treasure planet! (And Beastars but we don't talk about that 👀🐺🐰). Anyways I just want to let everyone know that I will be working on this one as of right now so this story can finally be done. Thanks for reading this story by the way. This is one of my favorite Disney movies and I have always wanted Basil so get himself a girlfriend so ha ha 🤪 thanks again! Stay blessed. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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