Chapter 6

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*Clara's POV*

We then arrived at a toy store near London. It was a pretty big toy store. Much bigger than my father's. This obviously makes sense, because this is mainly for humans.

"Splendid job Toby!" Basil exclaimed, praising the dog. He then jump off of Toby, and lands on the window ledge. I then started to walk on Toby's muzzle, trying to keep my balance so I can land safely on the ledge. However I did lose my balance and almost fell off, gasping. Thankfully Basil did catch me in his arms. We looked at each other in the eyes for a couple of seconds. When I get to have a long look at this detective, I feel like there's no one around except me and him. Ever since I met him I've been different, but it's a good different. This detective has left a soft spot in my heart for him. After several seconds of staring at each other, he places me safely on my feet.

"I um...excuse my clumsiness. It's not everyday that you find yourself jumping off a dog, you know ," I said.

"It's a- no problem Miss Clara. My pleasure," he said while giving me a light-hearted smile, chuckling nervously. He's adorable when he's nervous. We looked at each other one last time, then I went over to catch Olivia. I set her down so Dawson can have room to land. As Dawson makes tries to make his move, Toby starts to growl. He tips his at out of respect, saying farewell to the hound. Before he can jump off, Toby then sneezes, causing Dawson fly off, accidentally hitting Basil. The detective looks over at him, but then looks over to Toby.

"Now Toby...Sit," he ordered, but he doesn't listen. Annoyed, Basil walks over to the dog and gives him the order once more

"Toby, sit!" He said my sternly

"Sit, Toby," my sister commanded. Then Toby sits down. I giggled watching this unfold. Too cute to watch

"Good boy," he said while looking at Olivia with a hit a jealous. He demeanor changes when he sees my face. I just give him a smirk.

"If you'll excuse me." Basil said while walking past me and Olivia. My sister then looks over at Toby .

"You be good now. We're going to our father," Olivia said excitedly. I then take my sister's hand and walk towards Basil. He starts to examine something on the small window.

"Ah-ha! Here is our friend's entrance," he said while pointing at the spot

"But Basil how could we fit though such a tiny..." Dawson started to ask, but was interrupted by basil.

"Observe, Doctor," he then takes Dawson's hand, and sticks on of his fingers into the hole, which caused the window to open. I assume that's how Fidget managed to get inside the store.

"Basil, you astound me-" Dawson tries to say but was shushed by Basil. All four of us then climb inside the store. After getting inside Dawson closes the window. We start walking around, then Dawson bumps into a doll. A very huge doll

"Ooh! I beg your pardon, I-" Dawson said but then he stopped and realized it was just a doll. We started to walk around, and see so many toys. Toys that I don't I have seen before. It was quite interesting. They had little music boxes, dolls on shelves, etc.

"Wow , I've never seen so many toys," I said in awe.

"Indeed Miss Clara, indeed." Dawson replies, still looking around the huge toy store in awe.

Basil then suddenly comes from behind the doll and whispers "Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin! So, please, Doctor and Miss very careful!" With that, Dawson, me, and Olivia follow close behind Basil. We then start to climb on a ladder that was leading us to a higher shelf, still remaining quiet as possible. All three of us, me, Dawson, and Basil creep down to not draw attention to anyone, then all of a sudden we hear a loud crashing noise which startles us. I freeze and immediately jump into Basil's arms. Dawson cowers behind him, shaking. We turn around to see Olivia had turned on one of the music boxes.

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