Chapter 9

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*Clara's POV*

As we made in down under, we saw Fidget ahead of us climbing up the drain pipe. He was even humming the song from earlier. I put of my coat due to the coldness, and three of us went over to the pipe to see fidget already ahead of us

"Basil-" Dawson starts to say but was shushed by basil. 'He sure does love shushing Dawson,' I thought.

Basil climbs up into the pipe and says,"Follow me." I climb up and followed Basil, with Dawson behind me.

"Great Scott. I can't see a thing." Dawson said.

"Shh. Clara grab my coat, and Dawson you grab hers and follow along. No, no, no, not that way. Dawson look out for you-" Basil tried to say but Dawson had already hit a dead end.

"OWW! Confound it!" Dawson exclaimed in pain

"Basil, do you have any idea where we're going?" I asked, concerned.

"But of course. Left turn, right turn here you two," Basil said as we continued walking through the pipe.


About a few minutes later we had finally made it to the drain gate. We open it to see, what I assume was Ratigan lair. Hence the huge "R" that was on one of the barrels

"Ah-ha! You guys, we found it! Ratigan's secret lair," Basil said as he opened the gate for both me and Dawson to come out.

"And it's filthier than I imagined." Basil finished. We kept looking around, then I spotted a green bottle with Olivia in it, laying on her side where we couldn't see her face.

"Basil, Dawson! The bottle!" I said and we all ran to it. Basil goes to the pull the cork on the bottle but it wouldn't come off.

"It's stuck!" Basil mutters.

"Olivia?" I whispered as Dawson knocks on the bottle. 'Olivia' soon turns her head to reveal fidget, giving us a kissy face. Then all of a sudden, a bunch of thugs applauded and yelled "SURPRISE!" As that happens Basil falls off, and we saw a huge banner that said 'Welcome Basil' and confetti and balloons falling. I then look to see a Rat, standing at the door way applauding. It was Ratigan.

"Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance!" He exclaimed, then walks over to Basil, chuckling. Basil just looks at him in pure anger. My heart starts to beat of extreme fear.

Ratigan suddenly takes out his pocket watch and says, "Though frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set old boy?" Basil takes a moment to regain his composure and tries to remain calm.

" one can have a higher opinion of you than I have. And I think you're a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!" Basil exclaimed in anger. The rat calming closed his pocket watch, with an evil smile. He then starts to chuckle.

"By the way Basil, I just love your disguise," he said as he takes off Basil's mustache.

"Really one would hardly recognize you," Ratigan chuckles then walks over to me, and grabs me by the neck.

"And I would never thought that Basil would eventually find a lady. Seems...unusual. Isn't that right...Miss Clara Flaversham?" Ratigan said, giving me a sinister smile. I just give him a disgusting look and spat at his face. A couple of his henchmen gasped. The rat soon flinches, and gives me an evil glare.

"Seems like your lady needs to learn respect," he said then throws me to the ground. I gasped and looked at him in fear.

"Clara!" Dawson shouted

Basil gives the evil rat an even more angrier face. He comes over he holds me protectively in his arms. "Keep your filthy hands to your self Ratigan! It's me you want not her!" Basil exclaimed, pointing his finger at him. Ratigan just rolled his eyes, not caring one bit.

"I've had enough of her already. Take her away! I think it's time for her to have a family reunion," he said chuckling evilly. Two of Ratigan's men then take me away from Basil's grasp. Before he could safe me he was restrained by Ratigan. The last thing I saw was Basil looking at me in horror

*Basil's POV*

As I watch Clara get dragged away, all I could feel was anger and fear. All I wanted to do was strangle that damn sewer rat then and there. I turn to Ratigan was pure hatred in my eyes.

"Don't you dare do anything to hurt her. She has nothing to do with this!" I shouted

"Oh Basil like you care about women....unless this brat has something other female mice don't have!" Ratigan laughed. My blood was boiling.

He continues on to laugh and say "The greatest detective in all of mousedom, is in love!"

"Ratigan, so help me...I'll see you behind bars yet!" I yelled

"You fool!" Ratigan said as he grabbed me by the collar

"Isn't it clear to you?! The superior mind has triumphed! I've won!" Ratigan said, then drops me to the ground. He and his things began to love. I tried to stay as strong as I could at that moment, but I couldn't. I felt completely hopeless. And the thought of the Flavershams being harmed made me sick. The thought of Clara being harmed made me the sickest. The funny thing is Ratigan was right, I was in love with Clara.

"Basil?" Dawson asked in concern, but chose to not pay attention.

"Oh I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!" Ratigan continued to laugh.

*3rd person POV*

As the men dragged Clara, she sees her sister she missed so much, who was crying. One of the men pulls the cork off and the other shoved her inside.

"That will hold ya two!" One of them said as the two men walked.

"Olivia!" She said and hugged her.

"Clara!" She sobs in her sister's arms, she then starts to shake.

"Oh Olivia, I was so worried about you! Are you hurt?!" She said nervously, shaking. Olivia shakes her head and starts to tremble

"N-no. But I'm so scared! This has to be the worst birthday ever!" She exclaims and sobs even more. Clara couldn't help but feel sorrow. She hated her sister being upset. 'No child should ever have to go through this,' she thought. Clara hugged her sister even tighter

"Oh dear sister. It's going to be ok. We'll find a way to get out of-" she started to say but both of the girls saw Ratigan and his filthy henchmen bring Dawson and Basil, tying them up in a mouse trap

"Basil..." Clara whispered in hopelessly.

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