Chapter 10

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*Third person POV*

Four of Ratigan's men began to secure the the mouse trap, so Dawson and Basil won't attempt to leave. Clara watched in fear and despair as this was unfold. "You don't know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise," Ratigan said as Fidget sets the switch on the mouse trap, causing him to be sorta frightened. Basil just stared into space, and just stared at the wall. Feeling completely hopeless of his fait. While Dawson on the other hand was completely terrified

"Oh I had so many ingenious ideas, I didn't know which to choose. So I use...them all!" Ratigan said enthusiastically. Dawson then looked around the weapons that were in the room, becoming even more terrified.

"Marvelous isn't it," The sewer rat said in glee. Clara gave a good long look at the weapons that was around the room. Her eyes widened of what she saw. There was a gun, bow and arrow, an axe, and lastly, a very large anvil. Clara became hopeless.

"What have I've I gotten myself into?..." Clara whispered, lowering her head. Olivia just looked at her.

"But here, let me show you how it works. Picture this. First, a tune I've recorded especially for you. As the song plays the cord tightens and when the song ends, the metal balls is released," Clara then slightly lifted her head as Ratigan was describing their fait.

"Rolling along it's merry way, until...SNAP! BOOM! TWANG! THUNK! SNAP!" Ratigan said with amazement. Clara became angry.

"And so it ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street," Ratigan saluted. Basil still just had a blank face.

"NO! YOU CANT DO THIS!" Clara screamed through the glass. It was muffled but loud enough for Ratigan to hear. He just rolled his eyes and snarled at her.

"You're desirable," Dawson growled. Ratigan just chuckled

"Yes," he says with an evil smile.

"Everything's ready, Fidget?" The mastermind asked

"All set boss," Fidget stated. Ratigan then tipped toed out of excitement to a large white box with a big bow around it. He then peeks to have a look

"Oh, this is wicked! So delightfully wicket!" Ratigan chuckles. Two of his men rolled box, Clara wondered what was in there.

"Mr. Flaversham," the mastermind said as he moves over to the girls' bottle, where Hiram was also standing, tied up.

"Let me congratulate you on a superb piece of craftsmanship," Ratigan finishes, then knocks on the glass.

"See what you can do with the proper motivation?" He laughed, pinching his cheek teasingly. He then walks over to some of his thugs, who were on Felicia's back.

"You all know the plan." Ratigan said

"Right professor," the men saluted. Clara kept looking back at Basil. She was hoping he could at least try to call him out, but he had no care in the world.

"Come on Basil pull it together. Get us out of here!" She whispered.

"It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late. And I do have an important engagement at Buckingham Palace." Ratigan said. Dawson just gave him a confused look.

"Now, you will remember to smile for the camera won't you? Hmm? Say cheese!" He giggles pointing to the camera

"You fiend!" Clara shouted through the glass.

"Sorry Juliet. You should've chosen your Romeo more carefully," Ratigan teased. Clara's heart was beating more than ever before. How dare he mock and make fun of her and Basil. Ratigan then walks towards the record player to start playing the song.

'Goodbye, so soon. And isn't this a crime. We know by now that time knows how to fly,'

The sewer rat then climbs up the ladder rope of the dirigible, which Fudget was operating.

"Adieu, auf wiedersehen, farewell!" He waved, then looks down at basil

"Bye bye, Basil." He said as he was now gone. As the music keeps playing, Clara starts to cry

"Clara...don't be sad. We'll get out of here," Olivia said comforting her sister. Clara then looks at her with tearful eyes

"I don't know sister....I don't think we are getting out of this one...." Clara said in despair putting her head back down. Olivia just frowned and looked towards where Basil and Dawson were.

"Wh-wh-what did he mean an engagement in Buckingham?" Dawson asked

"Haven't you figured it out yet, Doctor? The Queen's in Danger and the Empire's doomed." Basil sighed

"THE QUEEN?!" Dawson asked, concerned.

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