Chapter 5

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*Clara's POV*

Within a few minutes later, Basil leads us to the secret passageway, which leads us to a huge room. He opens the tiny door to peek out to see if no human is insight, my sister then opens it more. He then turns to me and Olivia. "Not a word out of you two, is that clear?" he whispered firmly. I shushed him back in response. Basil then moves the doorway to keep us out of sight as we heard 2 men talking

"I observe that there's a good deal of German music on the program. It is introspective, and I want to introspect," said the first man, looking somewhat like Basil.

"But Holmes, that music is so frightfully dull," said the second man who looked like Doctor Dawson

"Come along!" Said Holmes, which I assume was his name. The two men finally walked out. Basil opens the door even wider and jump out to look for this 'Toby.'

"Toby? Toby?" Called basil. Olivia tugs my coat and I leaned down

"Who is Toby?" She asked. I shrug.

"Doctor Dawson, do you know who this Toby is?" I ask him

"Well Clara, Toby is....well, he's uh, uh..." Dawson then stops his sentence and turns to Basil.

"I say Basil, who is this Toby chap?" Dawson asked. Before Basil could even answer, a huge dog towers us, looking quite happy.

"Ah! Here he is now!" Basil exclaimed. He pushes Dawson forward so they can greet each other. Olivia I hide under a chair, as tiny tassels only show our feet.

"Dawson..Toby," Basil said. Dawson tips his hat to greet the dog, patting his nose

"Charmed I'm sure-" he tries to say but he just growls at him, as well as pushes him back. Basil then pushes Toby back

"Now, Toby. Toby stop that! Toby cease! Desist! Ha!" Basil said to calm him down. Dawson is now shaking from that encounterment behind the leg chair, then Toby begins to sniff around.

"Frightfully sorry old man. Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I've trained, but he can be deucedly frisky." Basil explained, chuckling slightly. Toby then makes his way to where me and Olivia were hiding. She comes out under footrest, and gives him the biggest smile ever.

"Hello Toby," she said while patting his nose. Toby the sniffs her

"Silly doggie!" She giggles and takes out a crumpet from her pocket

"Would you like a crumpet?" She asks, holding a crumpet in her hand. He nods rapidly and slurps it out of her hands. I then come out to get a closer look of Toby.

"Why hello Toby," I said. Toby then immediately licks me. I giggle from this. Olivia and I then begin to give the dog a belly rub.

"Here now Toby? Toby! To the matter at hand, I want you to-" Basil said but then he caught us playing with the dog.

"who's a good doggie? you are, yeah you are" I say while continuing to give him a belly rub.

Basil whistle to Toby to get his attention. Me and my younger sister stopped what we were doing. The dog turns his head back to Basil tapping his foot, and clearing his throat. I slid off gracefully with Olivia in my arms. Toby turns around to fully face the detective.

"Good now Toby! Toby... I want you to find...this fiend!" Basil said while holding on Fidget's hat in Toby's face, causing him to growl. Basil the barks along with Toby to encourage him to find this thug. It was sweet watching the two.

"Yes, you know this type. A villain. A scoundrel! Low bow. Close set eyes. Broken wing," all of a sudden Toby pauses, giving basil a confused look.

"Oh he's a peg-legged bat with a broken wing." Basil finishes. Toby starts to growl again.

"Yes! Yes! That's the spirt! Got his scent?" Basil asked. Toby nods in response

"Good boy! Good boy!" He praised the dog while grabbing his leash. Basil then turns to us

"Miss and little Flanchester," he said.

"Flaversham!" I, Olivia, and Dawson corrected

"Whatever," said the detective, rolling his eyes

"Your father is a good as found." He said as he clips the leash onto Toby's collar. Basil turns back and offers a hand.

"My lady, if you will," I look at this gentleman for a moment, but then take his hand. I could feel some sort of confidence, yet shyness all in one from him

"Toby...sic em!" Basil said.

Toby then runs out of the of the room. Which he accidentally steps on me and Basil. He some how manages to keep a hold of the leash. I hold onto his wait for dear life.

"CRIVVENS" I announce in fear.

"Ah-ha! Yoinks! Talley how! Ha-ha! Ha-ha!" Basil exclaims as the rest of us run after Basil and Toby.


About 3 minutes later, we are finally in the streets of London. Toby kneels down to sniff the ground to find that peg-legged fiend. Without warning, the hound gives out a loud howl and runs faster than ever. I then grab onto Basil's waist and Olivia grabs mine. We were now racing into fin air.

"The thrill of the hunt eh, Dawson?!" Basil asked excitedly. I then look back to see Doctor Dawson holding on tight on the dogs tail, almost falling off

"Q-q-quite!" Dawson answered while chuckling nervously.

"Oh-hoo-hoo! Our peg-legged quarry can't be far from now!

"This is madness!" I exclaimed to the detective.

"I'm sorry Miss Clara, but there is no mattress in the streets of london!" Basil said back. I groan as he clearly didn't here what i said....or maybe he did and just said that to be funny and get on my nerves.

*Basil's POV*

As all four of us head out to find our peg-legged friend, I couldn't help but blush about Clara holding my waist. It was a strange feeling I must admit. I never thought that beautiful young women would have such a toll on my emotions. I had no idea what was wrong with me. 'Is this what feeling in love...feels like?' I thought. If it is then it is absolutely annoying. And...somewhat scary. I thought these feelings would eventually go away as soon as the case is done and we can go back to our regular lives again. I shouldn't be having feelings for her. She is just my client after all...and yes, i said mattress on purpose.

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