Chapter 1

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*Clara's POV*

"Daddy! Where are you!? Daddy where are you!?" my sister said with tears on her face.

I just sit there hopeless, confused, and scared. I didn't know what to do at that moment. My thoughts were interrupted by my sister starting to sob. I pick her up and held her close in my arms. "Hey, it's going to be ok. I'll keep you safe. We are ok." I say quietly.

"W-w-wheres Daddy?" she says hopelessly.

"I don't know sister, but we'll find him. I promise." I say with a forced smile on my face to keep her hopeful.

I then spotted a newspaper article that was across the room. I picked it up and the famous headline stated, 'FAMOUS DETECTIVE SOLVES BAFFLING DISAPPEARANCE.' I cut the article and showed it to Olivia. "Look sister, there seems to be a detective here. Maybe he can help us!"

Olivia sniffs and wipes her eyes. "Y-you think so?" she asked.

I smile and pick her up, "I know so," I said

We then put on our coats and began our journey to find our missing father

*An hour and a half later*

"Were lost!" she exclaims as she bursts into tears

"Oh Olivia, please don't cry," I say as I held her in my arms to comfort her. Just then, it started to rain. I suppose the universe just knows of what we're feeling.

"Quickly Olivia, in that boot over there" I say as I grabbed Olivia's hand, and ran into the boot for warmth. I hold my dear sister close, as she cries softly in my arms. I also cry, but only in my thoughts. I don't want to make her more emotional.

"Are we going to find Baker Street?" she asks with tears in her eyes.

"... I don't know," I sigh. Olivia starts to cry more.

I hate seeing my sister all upset. It's really hard to not start crying with her. This has to be the worst birthday ever for her.

"Oh! Oh my! Are you alright my dears?" I heard a male's voice, wondering who that is.

I and Olivia turned around to see a male mouse with a mustache. 'He looks pretty professional.' I thought

"Here, dry your eyes," he said kindly as he hands my sister a handkerchief.

Olivia takes it and blows her nose. She then hands it back to the kind gentleman. He puts it back in his pocket and all I could think of is 'gross.'

"Ah yes, now that's better. Now tell me, what's troubling you my dears?" he asked

"We're lost. We're trying to find Basil of Baker Street," I said as I hand the clipping.

"Now let me see here," he said as he puts on his glasses.

"Famous detective solves baffling disappearance. Hmmm. But where is your husband?" he asks me

"Oh no, sir I'm her big sister," I said with a chuckle. "You see our father has gone missing."

"That's why we must find basil!" my sister cries out, covering her face with her scarf. I hold her close.

"There, there, there. Well, I don't know any basil," he said. I and Olivia gave him a sad and hopeless look. He then gives us a warm smile

"But I do remember where Baker Street is," our faces lit up with a smile as he said this. 'Maybe he could help us' I thought.

"Why thank you Mr?..." I asked

"Dawson. Dr. David Q Dawson," he said

"Well, it is nice to meet you. I'm Clara Flaversham, and this is Olivia." I said as Olivia waved with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry if we are any trouble to you, sir, we most currently don't want to ruin your night," I say to him

"Not at all my dear. Now come along. We'll find this Basil chap together!" he said as he picks up his briefcase and all three of us headed off to Baker Street.

After about 30 to 40 minutes of panicking, we have finally made it to Baker Street.
An older female mouse, which I assume was the maid, opens the door carrying a variety of stuff in her hands. I wondered how she was able to carry all that while Answering the door. Quite impressive.

Dawson takes off his hat to greet the lady "Good evening Madame, is this the residents of Basil of Baker Street?" "I'm afraid it is. He's not here at the moment. But you're welcome to come in and wait." she said with a smile

I started to say "Oh, I don't want to impose. It's just my sister and I..." I stopped talking and looked down to see my sister nowhere in sight. Dawson and I looked around panicking. We then saw my sister sitting near the fireplace, studying the magnifying glass. Curious little girl

"Oh my! You poor dears!" the lady exclaims, tossing the stuff Dawson, I just stand there. "You must be chilled to the bone!" She removes her hat and wringing it dry.

"Oh but I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets," she said. I walk towards the woman to thank her.

"I am much obliged to you for letting me and my sister, Olivia, to stay here." I say with a smile.

"Well of course my dear. You stay as long as you need to." The kind lady said as she placed a gentle touch on my shoulder.

"My name is Clara by the way, over there is Olivia." I say, holding out a hand. I see at the corner of my eye that Olivia waves.

"What lovely names. I'm Mrs. Judson." She says, shaking my hand back. She smiles and rushes to where I assume is the kitchen. I begin to take a notice to my surroundings.

I started to examine the chemistry set that was in the room. Fascinated, all I could think of was 'this Basil must be an absolute genius.' I also saw my little sister take an interest as well.

As Dawson was hanging up his coat, we all of a sudden hear a voice that was out of the door. "A-ah! The villains slipped this time! I shall have him!" shouted the mouse as he bursts through the door, what appears to be a large grey mouse with some sort of Chinese robe. Scared, Dawson and I stiffen up. All I could think of was 'great, more intruders.'

"Out of my way! Out of my way!" he howled, running across the room.

"I say who..." Dawson says as the strange mouse throws his hat, which ends up landing on him. Dawson takes the hat off and tries to get this suspicious mouse his attention to

"Who are you?" he asks, finishing his sentence

the gray mouse turns around and says "What? Oh!" he pulls out his head, which thankfully turned out to be a mask, revealing his real self.

"Basil of Baker Street my good fellow," he said

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