Chapter 7

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*3rd person POV*

Back within Ratigan's lair, Ratigan enters the workshop to see Hiram still working on the robot. Still putting his labor into the unnecessary work he is forced into.

"Ah Mr. Flaversham," he said. Hiram gives him a tired, sad glance. Ratigan holds out his cape and continues to say, "Allow me to present...your charming daughter," he reveals his cape to show Olivia in Fidget's grasp. Looking shocked and terrified eyes. Hiram's heart skips seeing his beloved daughter.

"Olivia!" Hiram shouts.

"Father!" Olivia also shouts. She tries to run for him but was stopped by Fidget tightening his grasp. Olivia stomps on his remaining foot and runs to her father.

"OWWW! My foot! My only foot!" Fidget announces as he holds his foot, hopping

"Oh, Father! I thought we'd never find you," Olivia says with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, there there there there my bairn. I'm all right!....but where's Clara?" Hiram asked, soon realizing that his eldest daughter isn't here

"Oh don't worry Flaversham. We are searching for her. She will soon be in safe hands with our care," Ratigan said chuckling evilly.

"Oh...I was so worried about my little girls," Hiram said hugging his daughter tighter.

"Oh, how sweet. Oh, I just love tearful reunions," Ratigan said as he pulls out a handkerchief, pretending to wipe his 'tears'. He then now went over to grab Olivia's arm.

"Now, come along, my dear," the rat said, bringing her away from her father.

"Oh please! Please! Father!" the child pleads as Fidget takes her away.

"Olivia! Oh please, professor!" Hiram also pleads but was restrained by Ratigan.

"Now, Now, Fidget will take good care of her. As well as your eldest once we get her here...that is as long as we have no further delays," mastermind said as he was setting the toymaker down on his feet.

"Yes, yes, I-I'll finish it. Oh just don't hurt my daughters," Hiram pleads.

"Remember, it must be ready...tonight!" Ratigan said with a stern and threatening tone at the same time. He then slammed the door shut. Fidget carries Olivia to a glass bottle so that she can not run away

"Stop! Let me go! You ugly old thing!" Olivia shouts as she is then pushed inside the bottle

"That oughta hold ya!" Fidget said

"HELP! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" Olivia cries out, but all was heard was muffled cries for help.

"See how ya like that!" the bat said with his arms crossed. He then blows her a raspberry. Fidget then walks over to his boss, who was looking through the bag

"Ah, the uniforms. Oh Fidget, I knew I could rely on you." Ratigan said, praising his trusted fiend. He then continues on to say "Now, you didn't forget anything? Not including the other daughter of course,"

"Yes boss! Sorry about that other girl, but there was no problems! I took care of everything! Everything on the list!" Fidget said as he was opening up his wing to show him the list, but it appears to be in his care

"Uh-oh," The bag said regretfully.

"...What's wrong?" Ratigan asked as he is starting to get mad.

"The list! I know! I know!" Fidget panicked

"Where's the list?!" Ratigan asked again as his temper rises more and more.

"The list, yeah, yeah, yeah! Well you see, uh, it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard a "A-roo! A-roo!" Fidget said, imitating Toby. The mastermind is getting more annoyed at this point

"You're not coming through," Ratigan said.

"A dog came. I ran. Had a baby bonnet, girl in the bag and Basil and the girl -th-they chased me!" Fidget confessed.

"What? Basil on the case?! THAT'S THE REASON YOU COULDN'T GET THE OTHER GIRL! Why you gibberish Little..." Ratigan yelled in anger. He clutches his chest like he was having a heart attack, and then his face turns red like a tomato. He soon changes his demeanor to a calm and collective state, then scoops Fidget into his arms.

"Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long," Ratigan said smiling.

"You mean, you're not mad? I'm glad you're taking it so well," Fidget said as both of them chuckle. They made it to the back, then the bell rings. Fidget suddenly screams. It seemed like Felicia was trying to eat him, but he keeps escaping.

"Not me, you idiot! No stop you stupid furball!" Fidget cried out but was then in the cat's mouth. He continues to yell, "Open up! Open up! Ai, ai, ai! Oh ow! You're hurting my wings!" Ratigan was then seen rubbing both sides of his temples, clearly annoyed

"How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything! And it's just as worse if that older Flaversham girl is in his care!" Ratigan said hopelessly.

"Let me out! Let me out! Help!" Fidget shouted buts was then back in the Cat's mouth .

"Oh, I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face, Ratigan complain as he banged his head on the glass bottle. Then he suddenly came up with an idea. He starts to smile and giggle.

"Yes...yes, I can just see it. Felicia, release him," Ratigan commanded. The cat first gives off a pouty look but soon does what she is told and spits him out. Fidget then looks extremely hurt and has a torn-up ear. Ratigan holds up the injured bat by the cheeks and drops him.

"Poor Basil! Oh, he is in for a little surprise," the mastermind said with a sinister look.

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